Adam Edelen Kentucky Auditor of Public Accounts
How the project came to be The four questions ◦ How many? ◦ Where? ◦ How much money? ◦ Compliant or not? 2
Drafting a white paper Putting together a game plan Assembling a team 3
Town Hall meetings Coalition of elected officials and citizen groups KCADDKPA KACOKY Club for Growth KLCBluegrass Institute JudgesCommon Cause County ClerksKPLA and KDLA SheriffsNorthern KY Chamber PVAsKY Health Depts Assoc. MagistratesKY Fire Commission County AttorneysKY Ambulance Assoc. Cooperative Extension Service 4
Creating surveys Getting surveys submitted Building the database Building internal tools to manage DB Building the website 5
How many? 1,268 (776 taxing, 492 non-taxing) Where? Every county (almost 11 per county) How much $? $2.7 billion expenditures $1.4 billion reserves How many compliant? 60% Budget 85% UFIR 55% Annual Audits 6
Ghost Government: November 14 th, 2012 The Citizen Auditors Initiative website Included interactive maps, spreadsheets, real-time information for policymakers and the public 7
Four major themes Need for statutory reform Need for stronger “teeth” to compel compliance Need for a centralized registry The need for education of stakeholders 8
Addressed all four themes In Addition, it created: New ethics provisions New dissolution processes Fiscal court, city gov’t, and public transparency 9
with 10