Matched Ally Condie 1952 realistic fiction Alicia A. 1
Setting Its in the future every thing is nice and neat because it’s the Society There is officials that make every thing perfect They have nothing out of order
Characters CharacterPhysical Characteristics Adjectives of Personality Text Evidence /Explanation of Adjectives cassia1 green eyes1 open minded1 always wondering about stuff 2 copper brown hair 2 sneaky2 Had kept a poem that was against the law to have 3 straight small nose 3 nosy3 always in other peoples business Xander1 bright blue eyes1 smart1 remembers every thing he has to 2 blond hair2 headstrong2 determined to do good in every thing 3 very handsome3 nice3 Complements cassia on here dress
Conflict Cassia is matched with her best friend Xander And she thinks its good until she meets Ky and its love but he is an aberration and she is matched with some else. She breaks the law to be with him ( man vs. society )
Summary of Plot Cassia is matched with her best friend Xander,but she meets ky and she gets to know him she likes him more than friends. She breaks the law to be with him
Theme You cant be forced you love someone you don’t love Cassia is faced with impossible choices Xander and Ky She loves Ky but sort of likes Xander and is matched with Xander She breaks the law for passion instead of perfection
Point of View It is mainly first person because the main character is describing her thoughts about what is going on. I think that the book wouldn’t be the same if it wasn’t first person.
Symbolism I picked a dove because birds are free and they are also the symbol of love and all the main character wants is to be free about who she loves.
Recommendation I recommend this. It is very unique. I think a lot of people will like this book
Where I got my pics All I did was go on bing click on images and look up which pics I wanted