Lecture 34: Orbital (Milankovitch) Theory of the Ice Ages During the Quaternary, climate alternated between glacial and interglacial states, but we still don’t completely understand many of the details about how this occurred.
Interglacial Glacial warmer, less ice colder, more ice Holocene Last glaciation colder, more ice Interglacial Glacial
Orbital forcing of Earth’s climate Changes in Earth’s orbital geometry (eccentricity, tilt, precession) Changes in the Earth's orbit can be precisely calculated using principles of celestial mechanics. Changes result from gravitational interactions between the Earth, the moon, and the larger planets in our solar system. Changes in Earth’s orbital geometry give rise to changes in the seasonal distribution of insolation as a function of latitude. The total insolation averaged over the year doesn’t change much, but the seasonal distribution does. These changes in solar radiaiton influence the growth and decay of glaciers that, together with other feedback processes (e.g., greenhouse gases) results in glacial-interglacial cycles. Changes in the seasonal distribution of Insolation (heat) as a function of latitude Amplified by other processes CO2, albedo feedback Glacial-interglacial climate change
James Croll Scottish (1821-1890) Millwright, carpenter, tea shopkeeper, electrical sales, hotelkeeper, insurance salesman, janitor, Geologic Survey, Fellow of the Royal Society In the 19th century, James Croll developed a theory of the effects of variations of the earth's orbit on climate cycles. His idea was that decreases in winter sunlight would favour snow accumulation. He was the first to recognize the importance of a positive ice-albedo feedback to amplify solar variations. decreases in winter radiation would favor snow accumulation, coupled this to the idea of a positive ice-albedo feedback to amplify the solar variations.
Milutin Milankovitch, Serbian mathematician (1879-1958) 1941, “Canon of Insolation of the Earth and Its Application to the Problem of the Ice Ages,” 626 pages improved upon Croll's work by making more precise calculations of solar insolation (all done by hand!) Emphasized the importance of decreases in summer radiation which favors snow accumulation and glacial advance Milutin Milankovitch improved upon Croll's work partly by the use of improved calculations of the earth's orbit then recently published by Ludwig Pilgrim in 1904. In 1941, Milankovitch published his great work “Kanon der Erdbestrahlung und seine Anwendung auf das Eiszeitenproblem” (Canon of Insolation of the Earth and Its Application to the Problem of the Ice Ages) was completed, 626 pages Milankovitch correctly hypothesized that summer radiation is the determining factor whether ice sheets grow or melt. It is always cold enough in winter for snow to be preserved, but summer temperature determines whether the snow from the previous season will be preserved or will melt.
The equilibrium line of a glacier is the location where accumulation equals ablation If accum>ablation, glacier advances If ablation>accum glacier retreats Changes in summer insolation controls the position of the equilibrium line and determines whether a glacier has a net positive or negative mass balance. Decreased summer insolation lowers the equilibrium line and glacier advances.
in northern hemisphere Cool summers in northern hemisphere 60 65 70 Latitude of equivalent insolation 75 300 250 200 150 100 50 Milankovitch (1941) predicted that glaciations should correspond with summer insolation minima. Unfortunately, the known history of glaciations was too coarse in 1941 to provide an adequate test of Milankovitch’s hypothesis. The hypothesis was shelved for more than 30 years. 550 500 450 400 350 300 600
Earth’s orbital parameters that affect incoming solar radiation: Precessions (seasonal distribution) Obliquity (seasonal distribution) Eccentricity (only parameter to affect total radiation but effects are small)
Today’s orbital parameters Eccentricity grossly exaggerated Today’s orbital parameters 152.5 x 106 km 147.5 x 106 km July
Obliquity is responsible for seasons June 21 Dec 21 Obliquity is the tilt of the Earth’s rotational axis relative to the plane of the ecliptic. Obliquity, which is presently at 23.5o, is responsible for seasonality. Mar 21 Sept 21
Obliquity Current value: 23.5o Range: 22o-24.5o Period: 41,000 yrs Obliquity varies from a minimum of 22.1o to a maximum of 24.5 o with a period of 41,000 years. Current value: 23.5o Range: 22o-24.5o Period: 41,000 yrs
Effect of Obliquity on Insolation difference in obliquity from 22 to 24.5o with other parameters held at present values Boreal summer W m-2 This figure shows changes in the seasonal contrast of insolation in W m-2 caused by an increase in the obliquity from 22.0o to 24.5o with eccentricity and precession set at present values. This represents the maximum effect of obliquity. Note that the high latitudes are affected more than the low latitudes. Obliquity is in phase between the two hemisphere for the same season. For example, an increase in obliquity will result in more summer insolation for both the northern and southern hemipshere polar regions. summer austral Effect on insolation is greatest at high latitudes Same sign for respective summer season (hemispheric response is in phase).
varies at a period of 41 kyrs. The top figure shows variations in obliquity for the last million years along with its affect on insolation at the poles and equator. Note the effect is greater at the poles than the equator. Below is shown the periods of variation. By far the dominant period is 41,0000 years. varies at a period of 41 kyrs. Obliquity frequency [1/ky] Period [ky] Amplitude 0.02439 40.996 0.011168 0.02522 39.657 0.004401 0.02483 40.270 0.003010 0.01862 53.714 0.002912 0.03462 28.889 0.001452
Eccentricity Current value: 0.017 Range: 0-0.06 p The eccentricity of the Earth’s orbit is currently 0.017. In the past, it has varied near 0 (circular) to 0.06. a - p Current value: 0.017 Range: 0-0.06 Period(s): ~100,000 yrs ~400,000 yrs Eccentricity = a + p a = aphelion distance p = perihelion distance
Eccentricity changes the total insolation received by the Earth but the difference is small! 0.5 W m-2/ 1370 W m-2 = 0.04% Variations in eccentricity for the past million years. Eccentricity changes the global mean insolation but only by a small amount (~0.5 W m-2 between max and min eccentricity values) The power spectrum of eccentricity is complex with dominant periods at ~406, 95 and 123 kyrs. Dominant periods are at ~400 and near 100 kyrs Eccentricity frequency [1/ky] Period [ky] Amplitude 0.00246 406.182 0.010851 0.01055 94.830 0.009208 0.00807 123.882 0.007078 0.01014 98.607 0.005925 0.00769 130.019 0.005295
Precession (axial) Precession is the “wobble” of the earth’s rotational axis with time.
Axial Precession Precession of the axis of the earth Year: The projection of the earth’s rotational axis maps a circle in space that takes about 25,700 years to complete. This means the north star (Polaris presently) changes through time. Thuban, a fourth-magnitude star in the constellation Draco, was the "Pole Star" at the time the Egyptians built the Pyramids.
Precession of the Ellipse This animation shows precession of the ellipse at constant eccentricity. Elliptical shape of Earth’s orbit rotates Precession of ellipse is slower than axial precession Both motions shift position of the solstices and equinoxes relative to Earth-Sun distance
The effect of axial and elliptical precession is the change the timing during the year of perihelion and aphelion 152.5 x 106 km 147.5 x 106 km July
Precession of the Equinoxes July 4 a Earth’s wobble and rotation of its elliptical orbit produce precession of the solstices and equinoxes One cycles takes 23,000 years Simplification of complex angular motions in three-dimensional space p Jan 4 The effect of axial and elliptical precession is to change the relation of the equinoxes and solstices relative to perhelion and aphelion. This is also known as precession of the equinoxes. a p a p a p
Extreme Solstice Positions Today June 21 solstice is near aphelion (July 4) Solar radiation a bit lower making summers a bit cooler Configuration reversed ~11,500 years ago Precession moves June solstice to perihelion Solar radiation a bit higher, summers are warmer Assumes no change in eccentricity For example, perihelion (Jan 4) occurs close to winter solstice today (Dec. 21). 11,500 years ago, perihelion coincided with summer solstice and aphelion occurred during winter solstice. Cool summers Warm summers
maximum value (boreal summer) Effect of precession from its minimum value (boreal winter at perihelion) to its maximum value (boreal summer) Boreal summer Effect of precession from its minimum value (boreal winter at perihelion) to its maximum value (boreal summer at perihelion) with present-day values for eccentricity and obliquity. Contour interval is 10 W m-2. The brown areas correspond to zone with a zero insolation. Note that precession affects all latitudes and the sign is opposite for northern and southern hemipsheres for the same season. E.g., when northern hemisphere summer is warm, southern hemisphere summer is cool. The hemispheres are out of phase for precession. summer austral Precession affects insolation at both high and low latitudes. Opposite sign in northern and southern hemispheres for respective season (out of phase)
Dominant periods at ~19, 22 and 24 kyrs Precession Precession for the past million years. Note that precession affects incoming solar radiation at all latitudes. The dominant frequencies are at ~19, 22 and 24 kyrs. Often these are not distinguishable in paleoclimate records and precession is expressed as a broad peak centered on ~21 kyrs. Dominant periods at ~19, 22 and 24 kyrs Precession frequency [1/ky] Period [ky] Amplitude 0.04221 23.690 0.018839 0.04467 22.385 0.016981 0.05275 18.956 0.014792 0.05236 19.097 0.010121 0.04326 23.114 0.004252
Eccentricity modulates the amplitude of precession 100, 400 kyrs a a=p1 p2 The amplitude of the precessional cycle is modulated by eccentricity. If eccentricity is 0, there is no difference between perihelion and aphelion so the affect of precession is minimized. The greater the eccentricity, the larger the effect of precession on seasonal insolation. 19, 23 kyrs
The three orbital parameters combine to change boreal summer insolation today The three orbital parameters (eccentricity, obliquity, precession) for the last million years and 100 kyrs into the future.
Last Ice Age Difference in Northern Hemisphere insolation at summer solstice relative to today How do orbital parameters combine to produce changes in insolation? Visualization of Northern Hemisphere insolation anomaly (relative to today) at summer solstice from 25,000 years (LGM) to 10,000 (early Holocene). Note large negative anomaly 25,000 year ago and large positive anomaly at 11,000 yrs bp in the early Holocene. Holocene interglacial
Ice Growth (glacial) Configuration (cool summers) Low obliquity (low seasonal contrast) NH summers during aphelion (cold summers in the north) High eccentricity Glaciation can only develop if the summer high northern latitudes are cold enough to prevent the winter snow from melting, thereby allowing a positive annual balance of snow and ice. Ice growth occurs during cool summers. What orbital configuration corresponds to cool summers? Minimum tilt, June 21 aphelion, and highly eccentric orbit
Ice Decay (Deglaciation) Configuration High obliquity (high seasonal contrast) NH summers during perihelion (hot summers in the north) High eccentricity Ice decay configuration would correspond to minimum northern hemisphere summer temperatures. High obliquity, perihelion during summer, and high eccentricity.
Classic Milankovitch Forcing: Insolation at 65°N, June 21 Ice decay Insolation forcing at 65oN on summer solstice for the past 400 kyrs. Milankovitch theory predicts ice growth when summer insolation is low, and ice decay when it is high. Ice growth
Milankovitch Theory Revived The measurement of long, continuous oxygen isotope variations in deep-sea were instrumental in providing evidence for the Milankovitch theory of the ice ages. The Milankovitch Theory was not well received until the early 1970s when investigations of the deep-sea sediments brought widespread acceptance of Milanković's view, because the periodicities observed in the marine record matched the predictions by Milankovitch. Pacific deep core V28-238 Shackleton & Opdyke, 1972
Variations in the Earth's Orbit: Pacemaker of the Ice Ages J. D. Hays, John Imbrie, N. J. Shackleton Science, 194, No. 4270, (Dec. 10, 1976), pp. 1121-1132 (eccentricity) (obliquity) (precession) The “smoking gun” came in a publication to Science in 1976 by Jim Hays, John Imbrie and Nick Shackleton (pictured from right to left). Marine oxygen isotope record shows the same periodicities predicted by orbital forcing.
Marine isotope record provides support for the Milankovitch Theory but there are still some unanswered questions So many problems 1. 100,000-year problem 2. The Mid Pleistocene transition problem 3. Stage 11 (Termination V) problem Although orbital forcing of Earth’s climate is well accepted, the details of how orbitally-induced insolation changes affect climate are debated. Several challenges have been raised to the “Classical” Milankovitch Theory that summer insolation at 65oN is the main driver. Three problems with classical astronomical theory: Cyclicity is close to 100 kyrs but there is insignificant changes in radiative forcing at this period (100-kyr problem) Mid Pleistocene transition change from 41 to 100 kyr periodicity occurred without major changes in orbital forcing Stage 11 problem, the most prominent glacial-interglacial transition of the Pleistocene (Term V) occurs at a time of minimal forcing Causality problem -- supposed effect occurs before the casue 4. Causality Problem: Timing of Term II Milutin Milankovitch 1879-1958
I II III IV V VI Ice decay Ice growth 5 1 9 11 7 13 8 14 4 10 2 6 12 The oxygen isotope record (ice volume) doesn’t look exactly like the insolation forcing so clearly other factors must come into play. Comparison between (a) the SPECMAP stacked δ18O composite and (b) insolation curve for 65°N, June 21. The vertical red lines denote the Terminations (glacial-to-interglacial transitions). Ice growth
Insolation Benthic 18O 65oN 100 ky 41 ky 23 ky The power spectrum for oxygen isotopes looks very different from that of insolation for the past 450 kyrs. It is dominated by 100-kyr (eccentricty) power, 41-kyr obliquity and little precessional power.
? 1. The 100-kyr Problem Forcing small big Response Classic Milankovitch forcing (might consider alternatives) Forcing small Why does the climate system have so much 100-kyr power when the supposed forcing does not? Traditionally explained by non-linear response involving internal feedbacks. ? big Response Why does the climate system have so much 100-kyr power when the forcing is so weak? but recall that eccentricity also modulates amplitude of the precession cycle
2. The Middle Pleistocene Transition 32 16 The MPT is very apparent in power spectra of the benthic d18O record of the last 2 million years. Note that there is no 100-kyr power in the early Pleistocene and the spectra is dominated by obliquity. This has been referred to as the so-called “41-kyr” world. The power spectrum of the late Pleistocene is dominated by 100-kyr cycle. Note however that the power of the 41-kyr cycle remains about the same as during the early Pleistocene. Schulz and Zeebe (2006)
Insolation (June 65oN ) Milankovitch Forcing According to Classic Milankovitch theory, glacial-interglacial cycles are controlled by summer insolaiton at 65oN that controls The power spectra for the forcing (June 65oN insolation) according to classic Milankovitch theory has a very different character than the benthic d18O record. It is dominated by precession with some 41-kyr power, bu contains no 100-kyr power. There is also no apparent change in orbital forcing (I.e., summer insolation 65oN) across the MPT. This suggests that the MPT must be driven by processes internal to the climate system Schulz and Zeebe (2006) 100 kyr 100 kyr
? 100-kyr world 18O 41-kyr world Insolation (forcing) Comparison of power spectra of benthic d18O and insolation (June 65oN) before and after the MPT. ?
3. Stage 11/Termination V Problem II III IV V VI Ice decay 11 Strong Response 12 The Stage 11 problem refers to the fact that insolation forcing is very weak about 400,000 years ago, yet termination V (transition from MIS 12 to 11) represents one of the largest deglaciations of the late Pleistocene. How can the response be so strong with such a weak forcing? Weak Forcing Ice growth
sea level begins to rise before boreal summer insolation 4. Causality Problem sea level begins to rise before boreal summer insolation Termination II/Stage 5 Problem The “causality problem” refers to the timing of the start of deglaciaiton relative to boreal summer insolation forcing. U/Th of corals from Tahiti drilling clearly shows the rise in sea level at Termination II began at about 142,000 yrs BP, significantly earlier than the rise in boreal summer insolation. A. L. Thomas, G. M. Henderson, et al., 2009. Penultimate Deglacial Sea-Level Timing from U/Th Dating of Tahitian Corals. Science doi:10.1126/science.1168754 (23 April) 2009
Milutin Milankovitch (1879-1958) NATURE|Vol 451|17 January 2008| Mystery is far from being solved. My sense is the missing piece of the puzzle is understaking the Iinteractin of the millennial and orbital bands. Obtaining long, millennially-resolved records of climate variability over long periods of time is something that IODP is uniquely suited to do. A few well-placed expeditions may very well finish the job. Milutin Milankovitch (1879-1958)
Ice Sheet Growth Lags Summer Insolation Non-linear ice volume models invoking threshold response How to explain the 100-kyr power? Ice Sheet Growth Lags Summer Insolation Various non-linear ice volume models have used a combination of threshold response and time constants (lag) to produce 100-kyr power. The models initiate ice growth after insolation has exceeded a threshold insolation value. An ice sheet 3 km thick may take 10,000 years to grow under most favorable conditions, so ice volume lags summer insolation cooling. The time constant for ice decay is usually faster.
Model 1: Calder (1974) V = ice volume i = summer insolation at 65°N Calder (1974) represents one of the first attempts to similuate ice volume from insolation forcing. It produced some low-frequency variability near 100-kyr but falls short of the observed signal. V = ice volume i = summer insolation at 65°N i0 = insolation threshold k = kA (accumulation) if i < i0 k = kM (melting) if i > i0 18O (observed) Ice Volume model Model produces some 100-kyr power
Model 2: Imbrie and Imbrie (1980) Written in dimensionless form (i.e., variables are divided by a scaling value) 18O Ice volume dV/dt = (i-V)/ The most commonly used ice volume model is that of Imbrie and Imbrie (1980). It produces power at all the Milankovitch frequencies: 400, 100, 41, 23, 19 kyrs. The precessional frequencies are much greater than observed in the d18O record and the 400-kyr eccentricity cycle is not observed at all in the d18O record. Not observed In climate record (time series might be too short) V = ice volume i = summer insolation at 65°N t = t M if V > i (melting) t = t A otherwise Ice Volume model 18O
Smaller, thinner ice sheet Ice sheets responded linearly to Hypothesis: Roy et al. (2004) 41 kyr world Less ice volume Smaller, thinner ice sheet Ice sheets responded linearly to obliquity forcing 100-kyr world New source of low-frequency variability: Ice volume and thickness increases Ice sheet mass is capable of surviving weak summer insolation maxima Deglaciations begin to skip precession and/or obliquity cycles Lenthens duration of glacial cycle New source of high-frequency variability: Large, thick ice-sheet begins behaving dynamically (non-linearly) 100-kyr cycle driven by internal ice sheet dynamics (paced by insolation) Clark and Pollard (1998) proposed the Regolith Hypothesis to explain the MPT. The hypothesis suggests that a change in the basal boundary condition of the Laurentide ice sheet was responsible for the MPT. Prior to the MPT, the LIS was underlatin by soft, deformable sediment (regolith), which limited the thickness of the ice sheet. Glacial erosion slowly removed the regolith layer and the bed became progressively underlain by hard substrate (Canadian shield) which permitted the growth of a much thicker ice sheet.