24 th Meeting of GPC 25 June 2013 Brussels Possible Actions for the GPC to Undertake following Recommendations from: (i) The GPC Biennial Report, (ii) The Expert Group on the Joint Programming Process and (iii) The 2013 Presidency conference on Joint Programming. *Sources: C: Joint Programming Conference Report; B: Biennial report of the GPC; E: Expert Group Report on the Joint Programming Process
E NSURING A S USTAINABLE C OMMITMENT OF M EMBER S TATES AND A DVANCING IN THE I MPLEMENTATION OF JPI S Alignment with SRAs Reflect on ways of aligning national and European strategies and research programmes with Strategic Research Agendas of JPIs and promote alignment (B, C, E) GPC and JPIs Pursue and deepen exchanges between the GPC and JPIs (B) Securing Commitment and Engagement in Joint Programming Examine how best long-term commitment to JPIs can be maintained, and in particular how to build sustainability and trust in Joint Programming and in the JPIs, (C, E). Ensure greater involvement of national stakeholders into the JPI process (C, E) *Sources: C: Joint Programming Conference Report; B: Biennial report of the GPC; E: Expert Group Report on the Joint Programming Process
P ROMOTING U SAGE OF I MPROVED G UIDELINES ON F RAMEWORK C ONDITIONS FOR J OINT P ROGRAMMING Framework Conditions for Joint Programming Examine ways of developing the Framework Conditions Guidelines to make them more useful and used (C, B, E). Collect experiences and distil out the most important issues for common actions (C, E) *Sources: C: Joint Programming Conference Report; B: Biennial report of the GPC; E: Expert Group Report on the Joint Programming Process
E VALUATING JPI S Measuring JPIs Progress and Impact Suggest methods for reviewing JPIs and plan for a more thorough evaluation of JPIs after the start of H2020 (C, B, E) *Sources: C: Joint Programming Conference Report; B: Biennial report of the GPC; E: Expert Group Report on the Joint Programming Process
P REPARING FOR N EW C HALLENGES Future Initiatives Consider a process for deciding on future challenges (B,E) *Sources: C: Joint Programming Conference Report; B: Biennial report of the GPC; E: Expert Group Report on the Joint Programming Process