OVERVIEW Policy Research and Analysis Outreach and Advocacy Business Development Support Services Partnerships
Policy Research and Analysis Policy advice and implementation The African Innovation Framework launched STI Policy Development Support ○ On-going (Benin) ○ Requests (Gambia, Burkina Faso, Cote D’Ivoire, Gambia, Niger,Togo) STI Policy Studies ○ Mainstreaming Gender in STI (Kenya) ○ STI and MDGs (Rwanda) ○ Innovation in manufacturing (Nigeria) Technology Transfer for Africa’s competitiveness ○ A technological resurgence? Africa in the global flows of technology transfer STI Knowledge Hub ○ Pilots – innovation policy comprehensiveness and R&D
OUTREACH AND ADVOCACY Science with Africa Centre ECA STI Support to AU/NEPAD Afro Guide Access to Scientific Knowledge in Africa (ASKIA) Knowledge resources in our network UNESCO’s ANSTI Parliamentary workshops
Knowledge Networks Access to Scientific Knowledge in Africa (ASKIA) STI Knowledge Hub TDTNet Innovation Centre Science with Africa e-Newsletter East Africa Research Network (EARN) Research Networks –North Africa and West Africa Discussion Groups (STI)
Business Development Support Services African Science to Business Challenge (ASBC) African Science and Technology Innovation Endowment Fund (ASTIEF) African Technology Development and Transfer Network (TDTNet)
Partnerships Boston University Biomedical Engineering Initiative Republic of Korea Biomedical Engineering World Health Organization (WHO) African Network for Drug and Diagnostic Innovation (ANDI) Global Footprint/ICSU Africa Human Footprint Initiative Climate Change Science Research Triangle Institute- International ABSC Finland Science with Africa, TIGA, STI Report African Regional centre of Technology African Innovation Award
STI Policy Review and Implementation Initiative STI Database STI Outlook Innovation Award ATDTNet ANDI Future Additional Activities
STI Policy Review and Implementation National strategy Policy review Policy review Setting the goals and objectives Projects and Initiatives The foundation: 5 survey tools, analyse legal and regulatory frameworks, interviews and workshops Distil the framework report, foresight and expert group discussions, identify opportunities Identification ideas that can be implemented easily Assessing performance, outputs and impact
Innovation policy climate: A comparison: Ghana, Kenya and Zambia
STI Database and Outlook STI Database Intellectual Property Academic performance Innovation perception survey R&D performance Supplemented by other databases: World Bank, WIPO, UNSD, USBEA
Lack of data: The case of IP
STI Outlook Present the current status Performance over the last 10 years Detailed analysis of key indicators (see database) Special analysis of the trends in a given sector R&D and technology Skill Knowledge outputs Collaborations and interactions Investment – public and private, foreign/domestic Production and trade Employment Poverty or other development indicators
ATDTNet initiatives Biomedical engineering course Student innovation competitions Summer school TDTNet Innovation Centre Nanomedicine Centre of Excellence Partners Boston University, Republic of Korea, CSIR/DST, Universities in Africa
African Network for Drug and Diagnostic Innovations (ANDI) Creating a regional platform for health innovations Establish centres of excellence Establish Region Hubs Create a fund Develop a database Partners WHO, EU, AfDB, AU
CODIST 1 Recommendations ECA and/AUC Observatory for STI Strengthen collaboration Regional centres to build systems of innovation Update the classification of tech fields Funding: R&D, start-ups (public-private investment) Tech transfer and commercialization support CSR (private sector participation) Triple Helix
CODIST 1 recommendations Member States (6 country reports) 1 % of GDP Invest in skills and infrastructure Choose more STI programmes Incentives for private sector participation Implement key regional recommendations Triple Helix forums Tax incentives for STI Strengthen university education system Corporate social responsibility Forums for exhibiting innovations
The case of Ghana 11 of the 25 achieved partially (yes/no) 4 recommendations achieved (yes) 10 pending (no) Lack of incentives for technology acquisition and assimilation 60:40 ration in favour of Science in Education scholarships were set for science students (2009/10) Ghana National Science, Technology and Innovation Policy (2010)
The case of Uganda 18 of the 25 recommendation achieved 4 recommendations pending 3 recommendation achieved indirectly Provides preferential government scholarships to S&E students in tertiary institutions Millennium Science Initiative (MSI) provides competitive research grants to universities and R&D Centres Uganda National Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy (2009)
Ways Forward Support ANDI, TDTNet, ASTIEF (Ministerial Statement) STI Policy advice and implementation Help setup National STI Funds (e.g. Rwanda) Develop platforms for industry-government- academia involvement and interaction (e.g. TDTNet) Need to collect, analyse and disseminate data Policy research work need to be strengthen STI advocacy and promotion to continue
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