Information Literacy & Online Information Literacy TRIG (TAFE Reference Interest Group) Swinburne University – Hawthorn Campus, 14 th November 2003
Program – Know it All! Online – Angela Mare, Holmesglen – Information Literacy Tutorial – Sarah Barnard, Kangan Batman – Break UnCOILing information literacy at Chisholm- Terri Bell & Laraine Impey, Chisholm – Assessing Information skills of students – Laraine Impey, Chisholm – 2.00 Lunch – Glenferrie Hotel 2.00 – 3.00 Information Literacy in TAFE Libraries – Group discussion 3.00 – 3.30 Afternoon tea 3.30 – 4.20 Promotion of Information Literacy and training – Group discussion 4.20 – 4.30 Closing and thanks
CAUL IL Framework (Draft 2 nd ed.) Australian/NZ Information Literacy Framework: Principles, Standards & Practice 2003 Standard One: The information literate person recognises the need for information and determines the nature and extent of the information needed.
CAUL IL Framework (Draft 2 nd ed.) Australian/NZ Information Literacy Framework: Principles, Standards & Practice 2003 Standard Two: The information literate person finds needed information effectively and efficiently
CAUL IL Framework (Draft 2 nd ed.) Australian/NZ Information Literacy Framework: Principles, Standards & Practice 2003 Standard Three: The information literate person critically evaluates information and the information seeking process
CAUL IL Framework (Draft 2 nd ed.) Australian/NZ Information Literacy Framework: Principles, Standards & Practice 2003 Standard Four: The information literate person manages information collected or generated
CAUL IL Framework (Draft 2 nd ed.) Australian/NZ Information Literacy Framework: Principles, Standards & Practice 2003 Standard Five: The information literate person applies prior and new information to construct new concepts or create new understandings.
CAUL IL Framework (Draft 2 nd ed.) Australian/NZ Information Literacy Framework: Principles, Standards & Practice 2003 Standard Six: The information literate person uses information with understanding and acknowledges cultural, ethical, economic, legal, and social issues surrounding the use of information.
“Mayer Key competencies” Putting Education to work: The Key Competencies report (Mayer 1992) Collecting, analysing and organising information Communicating ideas and information Planning and organising activities Working with others and in teams Using mathematical ideas and techniques Solving problems Using technology
Integration of the Key Competencies within Training Packages Training Package Development Handbook. Part 5 Section 2 “Collecting, Analysing and Organising Information focuses on the capacity to locate information, sift and sort information in order to select what is required and present it in a useful way, and evaluate both the information itself and the sources and methods used to obtain it.”
Collecting, Analysing and Organising Information Responsiveness to the purposes of information, the nature of the sources and the audience Application of access and retrieval techniques and principles Analysis and organisation of information Evaluation of quality and validity of information
Performance Levels Performance Level 1 (undertake tasks effectively): At this level a person: follows existing guidelines for the collection, analysis and organisation of information, and accesses and records information from given sources; and organises information into predetermined categories, and checks information for completeness and accuracy
Performance Levels Performance Level 2 (ability to manage tasks): At this level a person: clarifies the needs of the audience and the purposes of the information, and accesses and records information from a variety of sources; and selects categories or structures by which to organise information; and assesses information for relevance, accuracy and completeness.
Performance Levels Performance Level 3 (evaluating and reshaping tasks): At this level a person: defines the needs of the audiences and the purposes of the information; and critically investigates sources to identify and distil relevant information, and identifies within information the main organising categories and structures; and evaluates the quality and validity of information.
Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) AQF Implementation Handbook 2002 Certificate I Certificate II Certificate III Certificate IV DiplomaAdvanced Diploma Receive and pass on messages/i nformation Access and record information from varied sources Interpret available information, using discretion and judgement Identify, analyse and evaluate information from a variety of sources Evaluate information using it to forecast for planning or research purposes Generate ideas through analysis of information and concepts at an abstract level Table 4: Distinguishing features of Learning Outcomes
Training Packages National Training Information Service Examples of key competencies embedded in Competency Standards/ Units of competency/Training Packages
Discovery template - University of Ballarat Rose Counsel- Information Literacy Project Officer:Flexible and Online Development Discovery template developed as part of the UBonline project for integration within flexibly delivered units/courses. scovery/index.shtml Paper from CRIG forum May