School Development Planning Initiative In-School Management Review: In-School Management Review: Planning for School Improvement
Programme Why In-School Management Review? What has past experience taught us? Review process ISM Team – planning for team development
Planning for school improvement Consider ISM in your school … Focus Responsibility Authority Accountability Supports available
Ideally … Consider your current schedule of posts and in- school management: Are you satisfied that it: Meets the most important school needs in the organisation, pastoral care and curricular areas? Nurtures teacher professional development? Enhances School Leadership? i.e. distributed among senior staff & collaborative & team based
Buzz - Self Evaluation (Looking at our School – DES Booklet) Awareness among staff of Post of Responsibility structure and schedule of duties? POR –are they implemented properly? Are procedures followed in assigning duties? Relevance and clarity of duties? Monitoring and review of duties?
Restructuring In-School Management Circulars etc. To improve significantly the operation of in- school management To match the responsibilities of the posts more clearly to the central tasks of the school To provide for professional development To provide opportunities for teachers to assume responsibility for instructional leadership, curriculum development, staff development, academic and pastoral development
Review Every two years (recommendation Vol. Sec.) Specific review of a post upon request by either post holder or management New posts Need to ensure equity, proportionality and relevance All staff have a part to play in identifying school needs and in being consulted on schedule of posts
Scope of ISM Considerations for Review Organisational CurricularPastoral
Challenges Climate for discussion Tradition School needs and pressures Time-scale Capacity Other …
In–School Management Review A Process
A Possible Review Process 14 Stages 1. Board of Management endorses a review process and is actively engaged throughout 2.Agreed core principles to underpin review are established 3. Whole staff participate in an initial facilitated review of school needs 4. A representative post-review task group is set up
Stages … 5. Task Group collate, consult and draft proposals for further staff review/ discussion 6.Task Group draft a proposed list of school needs to be met within a revised schedule of posts 7. Whole staff, following consultation, agree proposed list of needs that might be catered for in a revised post schedule 8. Board considers and ratifies list of school needs to be met within a revised post schedule
Stages … 9.Principal draws up a draft post schedule, aligning agreed needs to available posts 10. Following consultation with the staff, Principal refines the schedule for presentation to Board 11. Board considers and provisionally ratifies the schedule 12. Principal allocates revised posts through consultation with post holders individually 13.Board ratifies final schedule and allocation of revised posts 14.Department of Education & Science is notified of revised schedule of posts & allocations
Understanding the role of the BOM Initiates Contributes to needs analysis Monitors progress Considers and ratifies list of needs to be met within revised schedule Considers and ratifies revised schedule Ratifies allocation of posts in revised schedule
Agreed Core Principles What principles or values, in your view should be considered in the review of post duties and the ISM process? What has past experience taught us?
Full Staff - Needs Analysis - 1 Prompt: Consider the three main domains of school life – Organisation, Pastoral & Curriculum (teaching & learning) What are the current needs of the school? What new needs have emerged in our school since ….? Are there any needs that have been met by another source? Further comment?
Posts of Responsibility Notes re Staff Needs Analysis Note: 1.You are not drafting posts but identifying needs 2.You will have an opportunity to prioritize later 3.No decisions will be made about posts today 4.You can propose/comment at staff meeting 5.Proposals for a list of school needs that can be met within a revised schedule will be brought back to the staff for discussion and amendment 6.Individual post holders will have an opportunity for discussion with the principal on the basis of experience, skills, interest etc before a final agreement on an altered post occurs.
Full Staff Needs Analysis - 2 Categorise needs under headings such as discipline, curriculum, organisation, pastoral etc. Which are essential? Which are important? Which are desirable (wish list)? Which are being met (or might be met) by other means?
Task Committee Examine and collate data from needs analysis Distil key needs and present discussion document to staff Task Group draft a proposed list of school needs that can be met within a revised schedule of Posts Look at other schools
Establishing a Task group Suggested composition: Principal Deputy Principal 2 Assistant Principals 2 Special Duties Teachers 2 Non-post holders
Brief of POR Task Group The brief of the group is to prepare a discussion document---not to produce a completed ‘take it or leave it’ document The group will have to consult with staff at every opportunity in order to keep the review process going The review and amendments take time
Role of Principal Is actively involved throughout the ISM Review process Is normally a member of the Post-Review Task Group Draws up a draft post schedule, aligning agreed needs to available posts Consults with the staff on the emerging schedule Refines the draft schedule Presents the agreed draft to the Board for provisional approval Consults with post-holders towards the allocation of posts in the revised schedule and, where applicable, the undertaking of new duties to cater for new agreed school needs Brings draft agreed allocation of posts to the Board
Seminar Workshop Strengths & Challenges Important considerations
ISM Process
Restructuring In-School Management Central purpose of ISM is to support learning and teaching in the school There are many tasks beyond classroom teaching required to create an appropriate learning environment ISM forms a management team collectively and with whole staff to help to achieve school aims
Role – systems and procedures The closer discussion and decision gets to each individual classroom and the school systems and procedures as they directly impact upon the classroom and the teachers and students who reside there the more influential that process will be re promoting school improvement
Responding to School Needs - the emerging role of the AP - SD Post Duties Management Team Leadership Management Culture Professional Development Key change agents. School culture, tradition. Other factors..
Emerging Model of In School Management The school embraces a collaborative leadership culture focused on teaching and learning Which means that: ISM post holders exercise responsible and collaborative leadership rather than solely performing pre-defined tasks This is underpinned by a shared commitment of staff and senior management Achieving outcomes that enhance teaching and learning shapes tasks and roles within ISM Capacity is a priority, including time for meetings & planning built into timetable
Buzz Challenges to ISM as Team? People both want and don’t want the responsibility of leadership and voice both views in different contexts All empowerment involves a risk and requires learning & patience Time is at a premium – there isn’t enough to meet competing school needs Structural constraints: the widespread absence of real competition for posts inherited assumptions that underestimate the complexity of schools and organisational needs inequitable tasks inessential or less significant tasks Varied levels of performance
Strategy for the future??? Identify & Agree – where are you now? (what is working well and what obstacles stand in the way of developing successful team management – Principal, Deputy & Assistant Principal) What would your school seek to gain from successful team management? Agree what immediate key steps you should now take? What steps should be planned to progress the formation of a senior management team in the medium term? (what needs to be put in place to enable these steps to be taken?) What resources are needed? Success criteria – What would count as success? How would you tell? How would we communicate with all staff about such developments?
In your folder … Expense claim forms Substitution forms Evaluation forms
Closure Next steps National Office: Tel: Regional Office: Tel: