Indigenous Communities, Tourism and Biodiversity Workshop Series: New Information and Web-based Technologies Workshop II: Islands Pacific Region Chantal Robichaud Dr John S. Hull Carolyn Nodder Nathaniel Dobbin Professor Simon Milne 3 – 5 November 2008, Samoa
Question: How do visitors find out about you? the Internet
12/05/ Vision Statements and Mission Statements are the inspiring words chosen by successful leaders to clearly and concisely convey the direction of the community, organisation, group, or business
A Mission Statement defines the group’s purpose and primary objectives. 12/05/2015 5
Vision Statements also define the group’s purpose, but this time they do so in terms of the group’s values In other words - the vision statement communicates both the purpose and values of the group 12/05/2015 6
Mangaliliu Tourism Vision Statement: English: It [the tourism project] is a dream that each person gathered here shares, just like we share our Church, our school and much more. It will make us have more respect for our own cultural strengths. This gathering brings every household in the community together, and we will make sure that we pass this dream on to the upcoming generations. 12/05/2015 7
“The Tourism project that goes ahead in the Lelepa region must benefit the community and each household within the community. It must be a sustainable (long-term) project. We want to make sure that we look after all of our cultural and natural places, as well as all of our sacred (tabu) places” 12/05/2015 8
First identify your group’s mission. What will you set out to achieve? Then uncover the human value in that mission Next, identify what you, your community, visitors, and other stakeholders will value most about how your group will achieve this mission. Distil these into the values that your group has or should have. Choose four elements that you value about your mission Now use them to create an inspiring vision 12/05/2015 9
Is your Website aligned to your vision? 12/05/
Activity: Presentation of participant websites (home page only) We invite you to introduce us to the home page of your chosen website and tell us… What is the purpose of your website? In other words, what are you trying to achieve by having a website? 12/05/