ICLEI – ACCCRN Process Opportunity for Project Identification
ICLEI ACCCRN The project aims to: Distil the critical successful elements of original ACCCRN processes and supplement it with other relevant and proven approaches Develop a Guide and Toolkit to help cities develop local climate change resilience strategies Test the toolkit in three project cities – Shimla, Bhubaneswar, Mysore A streamlined and replicable process that cities can implement without the need for much external support
Framework for building urban climate change resilience What are the projected Climate Change trends? Who are the most vulnerable? How does the city function? Need to consider all three components to effectively build urban resilience 1. How does the city work 2. What are the direct and indirect impacts of climate change 3. Who is least able to respond to shocks and stresses Indirect impact Direct impact Urban poverty reduction Urban climate change risk Disaster risk reduction Source: Arup
Benefits to Cities from ICLEI ACCCRN Process Awareness generation about potential risks and city’s vulnerability Better management of climate change impacts Knowledge exchange with other cities and technical partners Development of Climate Resilience strategy Integrating the resilience strategy into urban planning 12 months!!
ICLEI ACCCRN Process A set of 16 tools developed Adapted the Urban Climate Resilience Planning Framework (ISET et al) Tested in 3 cities Process reviewed and refined Being upscaled to approx 40 cities in 4 countries
ICLEI ACCCRN Process Political commitment Institutional set up Identification of perceived threats, past practices & opportunities Communication Assessing projected climate trends Identifying existing fragile urban systems Expected impacts of climate projections on fragile systems Prioritization based on risk assessment Corresponding resilience actions identified Actions prioritized based on resilience indicators & feasibility criteria For each impact, identification of: - Vulnerable areas - Vulnerable social groups
ICLEI ACCCRN Tools Phase 1: Engagement Tools Forming a Climate Core Team Forming a Stakeholder Group Baseline Questionnaire Climate Ready Review (Policies / Plans) Communication Strategy Phase 2: Climate Research & Impact Assessment Tools Assessing climate exposure Urban system analysis Risk assessment Phase 3: Vulnerabilities Assessment Tools Vulnerabilities assessment Adaptive capacities of urban systems Data gap analysis and collation Phase 4: Resilience Strategies Tools Resilience interventions Prioritisation of resilience options Integration into city plans City Resilience Strategy Engagement Checklist Reference Tools
e.g. Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation Bhubaneswar: (4X4 Ass. Rep 2030) Increase in Average Annual Rainfall Max increase March - May Increase in Average Annual Temp. Max increase in temp March - May Probable decrease in frequency of cyclonic disturbances but increase in intensity (June – Sept) Fragile Urban Systems - Water Supply - Housing - Energy - Ecosystems Potential impacts of CC & prioritized Vulnerable Areas Vulnerable social groups For each urban system Identification of…
Bhubaneswar: Risk Assessment Urban system Impacts of climate changeLikelihoodConsequenceRisk scoreRisk status Water supplyIncreased precipitation disrupts/ damages water supply infrastructure 339Medium Increased precipitation causes increased incidences of urban flooding / water logging 4312High Increased temperatures will lead to increased demand for water thereby posing additional stress on the supply system 5315High HousingIncreased precipitation causes greater health risks 4312High Increased temperature causes greater fire risks 428Medium EnergyIncreased precipitation disrupts / damages power supply infrastructure 428Medium Increased temperature leads to increased energy demand will increase, causing a shortage 4312High EcosystemThere will be additional stress on the ecosystems e.g. water bodies may dry up 428Medium
Bhubaneswar: Increased precipitation impact (Water logging & disrupted infrastructure)
Bhubaneswar: Increased temperature impact (Shortage of water supply)
Bhubaneswar: Increased precipitation impact (Health risks)
Bhubaneswar: Increased temperature impact (Fire risks)
Bhubaneswar: Increased temperature impact (Disruption of power supply)
Bhubaneswar: Increased temperature impact (Ecosystem stress – water bodies)
Bhubaneswar Vulnerabilities Impacted by water logging and disrupted infrastructure Impacted by shortage of water Prone to health and fire risks Prone to shortage of power supply and disrupted infrastructure Faces additional stress on ecosystems Population impacted Commercial units Slum residents Women Children and elderly people Industries Institutions Students
e.g. Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation Bhubaneswar: (4X4 Ass. Rep 2030) Increase in Average Annual Rainfall Max increase March - May Increase in Average Annual Temp. Max increase in temp March - May Probable decrease in frequency of cyclonic disturbances but increase in intensity (June – Sept) Fragile Urban Systems - Water Supply - Housing - Energy - Ecosystems Total of 32 actions 21 with ‘High’ applicability considering ‘resilience’ & ‘feasibility’ criteria 10 Hard measures 11 Soft measures Climate resilient actions identified…. Potential impacts of CC & prioritized Vulnerable Areas Vulnerable social groups For each urban system Identification of…
Financing Climate Adaptation: Water Supply Think climate changeExplicit adaptation measures Soft measures Hard measures Financing needs Awareness generation on CC impacts Inter-Dept Coordination Drains along roads Protection of water supply infrastructure RWH for GW recharge Water Supply: Climate Resilient Actions Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission
Financing Climate Adaptation: Housing Think climate changeExplicit adaptation measures Soft measures Hard measures Financing needs Awareness generation on CC impacts Housing: Climate Resilient Actions Building bye-laws to include CC component Energy efficient lighting Provision of ‘Green Belt’ in City Development Plan Drainage systems for slum areas Training on fire prevention & fire fighting Rajiv Awas Yojna Housing for urban poor
Adaptation pathway Process of initial identification of resilience actions important for credibility Addresses current as well as anticipated challenges Creates opportunities for innovative approaches to project design to access funding ICLEI ACCCRN Process: Vulnerability Assessment and identification of resilience actions Project Preparation: Pre-feasibility studies preparation of detailed project reports Financing: Linkages to national schemes and other potential donors & defining appropriate mechanisms
Learning… Building local capacities and institutional set up for undertaking bottom-up processes for creating demand and attracting donors Multi-stakeholder engagement:Understanding the ‘stakes’ Creating social capital Managing trade-offs All ‘hard measures’ not necessarily explicitly adaptation measures: funding opportunities most often exist Start with focus of ‘soft measures’ Political support: ‘greases the wheels’