2 OVERVIEW New leadership at The National Center for Simulation (NCS) Immediate challenge: Reinforce the NCS support role & address issues of transparency & feedback NCS 2010 Strategic Goals & Objectives Specific initiatives/accomplishments thus far in 2010 Looking at the next 6 months Membership Dynamics in 2010
IMMEDIATE LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES—1 ST SIX MONTHS IMMEDIATE LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES—1 ST SIX MONTHS Improve transparency & feedback to Members Address return on Membership investment (ROI) –Credibility & major sources of funding were at risk Improve relationship with Team Orlando The answer: –Focus on the BOD-assigned Strategic Objectives –Host a Membership Night (1 st in three years)—introduce new President & have a frank discussion with Membership about first 60 days & vision for the future –Win back credibility & grow the NCS Membership –Outreach to inform & educate everyone who would listen about a key segment of Florida’s diversified economy –Listen to the Membership, seek their counsel & act –Move the Medical MS&T Initiative forward
BOD ASSIGNED STRATEGIC GOALS & OBJECTIVES (5) FOR of 2 BOD ASSIGNED STRATEGIC GOALS & OBJECTIVES (5) FOR of 2 Expand M&S technology & applications Support M&S education, awareness & public policy development Provide M&S business development support to members Support M&S infrastructure Perform crosscutting initiatives
BOD ASSIGNED STRATEGIC GOALS & OBJECTIVES FOR of 2 THE DETAIL BOD ASSIGNED STRATEGIC GOALS & OBJECTIVES FOR of 2 THE DETAIL Support knowledge transfer Support collaboration (between Academia, Industry & Government) Support diversification (Tech transfer/spin-off) Support education/academic programs (STEM)—grow the workforce Support communication & outreach (events like this) Participate in Government affairs (M&S Leadership Caucus) Provide information services (website) Provide selective project development, management & admin services—not in competition with Members Advocate facilities/telecom (NSA + Research Park) Support security initiatives (NSA) Develop & continually update an NCS website Sponsor events/conferences/meetings (networking & outreach)
6 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1 of 6 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1 of 6 Address immediate challenges & improve transparency & feedback to Members –New NCS website rolled out 16 Feb –President’s Corner—my message to Members –Enhanced Medical Simulation tab/web pages –Membership Night held on 6 Apr 10 (1 st in three years!) –NCS 2010 Accomplishments A Living Document—gets at the question of Members ROI –Result: 25+% increase in Members with 42 New members since 1 Jan 10 “Almost every soldier or Marine deployed to the Middle East is trained on some kind of system developed in Central Florida.” Orlando Sentinel, Jan. 11, 2009
7 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2 of 6 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 2 of 6 Collaboration/Diversification –Medical MS&T Initiative –Facilitated Strategic Planning Process, 28 Apr & 12 May –Medical M&S Event with Industry & other Stakeholders co- hosted by Mayor Richard T. Crotty, 23 Jul –Early buy-in MEDSIG—original 5 volunteers + 25 other strategic planners Broad & Cassel, Attorneys at Law—Offer of Pro Bono Legal Support Orlando Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau—Branding/PR Congresswoman Kosmas’ Office—offer of Intern part-time Orange County Mayor Richard T. Crotty—a strategic priority –Since 23 Jul—EDC on board to take initiative lead –Lars Houmann, CEO FL Hospital & chair of Bio Orlando agrees to stand-up Medical MS&T subcommittee Chaired by Lt Gen (Ret) Baptiste –Significant article in New York Times touting Orlando & Medical City
STRATEGY SESSION PARTICIPANTS Clinical / Healthcare Simulation Center Louise Van Diepen – Veterans Administration Rick Wassel – Florida Hospital Nicholson Center Eileen Bowe - Orlando Health Michael Zappa, MD - Emergency Medicine Learning & Resource Center Beth Brunner – Emergency Medicine Learning & Resource Center Academia Deb German, MD - UCF College of Medicine Brian Goldiez, PhD – UCF Institute for Simulation & Training Rick Satava, MD – University of Washington Industry Brent Smith - Engineering and Computer Simulations Bill Lewandowski – Simbionix Terri Spoonhour - SAIC Jeff Bergenthall - Lockheed Martin Jeremy Riehl - Lockheed Martin Jack Taylor – CAE Healthcare Military Beth Pettitt - US Army RDECOM Pete Marion - US Army PEO STRI Roger Smith - US Army PEO STRI LTC Wilson Ariza – US Army PEO STRI John McCombs - US Army PEO STRI Barbara Essery - US Army PEO STRI Rob Matthews – US Navy – NAWCTSD Economic Development Tom Baptiste - National Center for Simulation Thad Seymour, PhD – Lake Nona Medical City Eric Ushkowitz – Metro Orlando Economic Development Commision Andy Smith - Halldale Media Session Facilitators Fran Korosec - Taylor Ross Consulting Bob Heinlein - Medical Simulation Associates David Shorrock - The Shorrock Group Mary Trier - Capital Communications & Consulting Brian Levine - SAIC 8
9 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 3 of 6 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 3 of 6 Outreach –Congresswoman Kosmas—facilitates MS&T brief to staffers from 13 Florida Congressional Districts, 3 Feb –Lt Gen (Ret) Baptiste orchestrates stand-up of a MS&T Advisory Council for Congresswoman Kosmas, 25 Mar –Baker Hostetler Central Florida Partnership “Trip to Washington, D.C.”, Jun 65 Civic Leaders from across Central Florida Message: The economic impact of the MS&T Industry in Florida Results: Private breakfast meeting with Senator LeMieux, private Luncheon meeting with Senator Nelson + 15 other meetings with Congressional leaders/staff Members/influential Committee staff Members Big boost in Florida representation on the Congressional M&S Leadership Caucus –Senator LeMieux follows-up with visit to Research Park, 11 Aug
M&S LEADERSHIP CAUCUS MEMBERS Florida: Jeff Miller Suzanne Kosmas Adam Putnam Alan Grayson Bill Posey Vern Buchanan more????? California: Ken Calvert Susan Davis MD: C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger NY: Maurice Hinchey TN: Zach Wamp SC: Joe Wilson IL: Bill Foster NC: Virginia Foxx GA: Phil Gingrey AL: Robert Aderholt CO: Doug Lamborn Virginia: Randy Forbes, Co-Chair Bobby Scott Robert Wittman Glenn Nye Texas: Solomon Ortiz, Co-Chair John Carter Mike Conaway Pennsylvania: Todd Russell Platts Joe Sestak Jim Gerlach OK: John Sullivan MN: Tim Walz UT: Jim Matheson NM: Martin Heinrich
11 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 4 of 6 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 4 of 6 Business Development Efforts/Networking –FY11 Appropriations Process 10 Member Company proposals briefed on the Hill for possible Appropriations plus-ups 5 of 10 ($ 9.23 Million) garnered initial support from targeted Senate/Congressional offices Expect at least one to survive –Hosted Events Technology Demonstrations (Presagis & Digimation), 1 & 11 Feb NCS Membership Night, 6 Apr PEO STRI Breakfast Events (3)—STOC II updates to Industry Medical M&S Breakfast Event, 29 Apr Manufacturing & Simulation Exchange AVT Simulations), 22 Jul Medical M&S Breakfast Event, 23 Jul
12 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 5 of 6 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 5 of 6 Hosted Events (Continued) –A Luncheon Event with Industry to introduce GrowFL Initiative, 12 Aug –A Luncheon Event with Members to kick-off the FY 12 Appropriations Process, 16 Sep –A second Membership Night, tonight!
13 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 6 of 6 SPECIFIC INITIATIVES/ ACCOMPLISHMENTS 6 of 6 Facilities/Security Initiatives –Infrastructure Grant Applications (3) to Enterprise Florida in support of Naval Support Activity (NSA) Orlando A Visitors & Business Center next to new gate off of Science Drive ($499K) Phase IV of the Federal, State, University (FEDSUN) Network installation—to replace pull-boxes, lay conduit & install additional fiber optic cable ($346K)—Funded! Installation of a Turnstile entry gate between Partnership III and NSA ($49K) –Defense Re-investment Grant Application to Enterprise Florida to support NCS To fund Cornerstone Government Affairs Contract w/ NCS, Appropriations Process travel & I/ITSEC participation— Funded!
14 THE NEXT 6 MONTHS THE NEXT 6 MONTHS A Breakfast Event with Industry in partnership with Broad & Cassel, Attorneys at Law, 3 Nov An electronics recycling event in partnership with Southeasterndata to benefit NCS scholarship program, 10 Nov Possible Medical MS&T Conference/symposia to introduce the Florida Alliance for Simulation in Healthcare (FLASH) –Continue work to clarify NCS, EDC, Visitor’s Bureau, Bio Orlando & other Stakeholders’ roles & missions Outreach in every forum willing to listen –Six confirmed speaking opportunities currently on the calendar Continue to grow the NCS Membership I/ITSEC 2010 booth—in partnership with UCF/IST, EDC & FHTCC Advocate Member Company proposals on the Hill for possible FY 2012 Appropriations plus-ups
NCS MEMBERSHIP NCS MEMBERSHIP The following is a snapshot of NCS Membership dynamics for 2010—as of: 30 Sep 10 12/31/09 Attrition Late Renewal New Members 9/30/10 MS&T Industry Gov’t/Academia 4/5 1/5 5/9 Non-MS&T Total
NCS MEMBERSHIP NCS MEMBERSHIP The following Companies did not renew their Membership in 2010 Axis Media, LLC Caylex Architectural Fabrication DISTIL Interactive Ltd. Engineering Systems Solutions Liquid Digital Corporation Simiosys, LLC State University of New York at Binghamton The Virtual Reality Medical Center Vavni, Inc. Windsor Continental Corporation As of: 30 Sep 10 10
2010 NEW MEMBERS 1 of NEW MEMBERS 1 of 4 Immersive Realisation Pty, Ltd (Australia) Carley Corporation Daytona State College R2 Consulting Florida High Tech Corridor Council Manufacturers Council of Central Florida NTSA UCF/Institute for Simulation & Training Wyndcrest DD Florida Taylor Ross Consulting Halldale Media 11
2010 NEW MEMBERS 2 of NEW MEMBERS 2 of 4 Bush Enterprises Martinez & Associates, CPAs, P.A. TerraSim Simbionix USA Gould Training Center Broad & Cassel, Attorneys at Law Professional Pride Daedalus Technologies EHS Technologies Southeasterndata Optimal Technologies International 22
2010 NEW MEMBERS 3 of NEW MEMBERS 3 of 4 Pre-Paid Legal Services SIMTICS (New Zealand) Oviedo Injury & Wellness Center Valencia Community College Laerdal Medical Americas Avant Healthcare Digital Management York Property Company University of Arizona, Simulation Training & Education Center AlphaMedica Atlantic.net 33
2010 NEW MEMBERS 4 of NEW MEMBERS 4 of 4 Pelágique Consensus Communications Organizational Communications, Inc. Seay Business Solutions, LLC Florida Hospital Orange county Convention Center (OCCC) Imagine Creative Solutions (ICT) Life-Tech.Decimal, Inc. As of: 30 Sep10 42 Overall 25% increase in NCS Membership in 2010!
21 Questions/Comments Thank you again tonight’s sponsors Martinez & Associates, CPAs, P.A. Pulau Corporation