David Mullins, University of Birmingham Conference of the Isles, Derry November 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

David Mullins, University of Birmingham Conference of the Isles, Derry November 2013

Source: Non-Profit Housing Organisations in Ireland, North and South

I doubt whether transferring significant numbers of stock is doable. I don’t think they have the financial resources or strength of governance, but they could prove us wrong’ Donald Hoodless –quoted in Inside Housing Nov

 Beyond a centralised model of governing  Towards model based on ‘active citizen’, participation and partnership  Globalisation  “Hollowing out of the State” (Rhodes, 1997)  Concerns around ‘democratic deficit’  Hybrid mixing of state, market and community governance forms ▪ Networks ▪ Hierarchies ▪ Markets Public Third Private Housing associations – “hybrid bodies” Voluntary governing bodies – community links Taking decisions in the public interest Borrowing from ‘private’ lending institutions

“ the system by which companies are run” (Cadbury Report, 1992) “Giving overall direction to the enterprise, ensuring the internal accountability of management to the board, and with meeting the requirements of external accountability and regulation” (Greer and Hoggett, 1997) Concerns the board of directors and relations with executive but is distinct from management Since the 1990s, HAs have embraced what has been described as a ‘whole new science’ of corporate governance (McDermont 2010)

 Cadbury 1992  Greenbury 1995;  Nolan 1996  Hampel 1998;  Turnbull 1999;  Higgs 2003  Smith 2003;  UK Corporate Governance Code 2010  NICVA 2008  NHF 2010  Probity  Loyalty & Conflicts of Interest  Remuneration & Personal Benefit  Integrity & Honesty, Bribery  Respect  Size & structure  Succession & Recruitment  Leadership &Skills  Objectivity  Openness & Accountabilities

 Paradox  Partnering or Control?  Conformance or Performance?  Representation of Interests or Professional skills?  Business Efficiency or Community Accountability  Central Control or Local Autonomy in Groups  Evolution to Fit Context and Purpose

 Social Housing Reform Programme  NIHE Future Structures  Regulation and Inspection.  NIAO & DSD reports  Reductions in HAG  Procurement  Mergers and partnership working  New forms of financing  Welfare Reform

 Mackay, C., Dawson, H. and Williamson, A. (1999) Training and Development Needs of Board Members of Housing Associations in Northern Ireland: a report of a research project. University of Ulster, Centre for Voluntary Action Studies: Coleraine.  Mullins, D., Rhodes, M, L., & Williamson, A (2003). Non-Profit Housing organisations in Ireland, North and South. Belfast: NIHE.

Independent Study of Housing Association Governing Arrangements in Northern Irel and Peter Shanks –University of Ulster David Mullins – University of Birmingham

 Independent Study undertaken with HA Sector in NI  Incorporate learning on corporate governance in housing and other third sector fields in UK and internationally  Summarise key conclusions on what defines ‘good governance’ in the context of NI housing sector;  Update knowledge on profile of board membership, and size and operation of boards (including the roles of chairs & committees) – last NI Survey 1999  Recruitment and selection of new committee members  Debate on board member payment;  Decision making and dealing with dissension and conflict  Reflect on the evidence and promote debate in sector to improve performance– share good practice and get the Structures Right to Face the Future

 International Literature review  Scoping stakeholder interviews  Surveys of housing association chief executives and governing body members  Case Studies  Issues Papers (Spring/Summer 2014)  Debate and engagement of key stakeholders  Final Report (November/December 2014)

 Forum 1 Who Governs? –composition of boards, mix, skills, representativeness, recruitment and succession implications and training needs;  Forum 2 How do we Govern? –board decision processes, relations between executive and non-executive directors, CEO/Chair axis, conformance or performance?, external accountabilities to government, funders and residents and communities;  Forum 3 What do we govern? key functions of boards and sub- committees, financial compliance, new development, housing management and community and resident relationships;  Forum 4 Where do we go next? – distil recommendations and engage with stakeholders to improve future governance performance.

Overarching Themes  Regulation  Social Housing Reform Programme  Independence  Voluntarism versus Professionalism  Attitudes to governance  Accountability to tenants

Operational Themes  Dynamics and Operation of the Board  Group Structures  Recruitment, renewal and retention  Composition  Skills and Diversity  Role of the Chair & Sub- committees  Remuneration  Approaches to risk taking  Board member appraisals

Other related themes  Trust and ethics  Opportunities for Mutual Learning  Training and Development March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom," August 1963 Photograph by Abbie Rowe National Park Service Photograph

 Social divisions and gaps in welfare net  Skill up for social enterprise model  Respond to public scrutiny and control  Maintain independence  Provide Confidence to Private Funders  Meaningful Community & Tenant Engagement  Effective management of hybrid businesses  From Conformance to Performance Derry wins City of Culture