Introductions Introductions should provide context (some background information) for an essay and clarify its main point.
Overall Structure: Funnel General—context Specific—main point (thesis)
Methods Quotation Anecdote or short narrative Interesting fact Question Definition Description of website
Quotation OPENING: “There’s only one thing that can slay the hunger of a young guy on the move: The Thickburger Line at Hardee’s.” THESIS STATEMENT: Through its presentation of the Thickburger Line and its emphasis on satisfaction, Hardee’s effectively targets young males with the message that Hardee’s food is an inexpensive option for satisfying big appetites and sophisticated (and not so sophisticated) tastes.
Anecdote or short narrative OPENING: Briefly describe the hypothetical (stereotypical) guy about 6:00 p.m.—his day, his hunger, his Hardee’s. THESIS STATEMENT: Hardee’s effectively targets this stereotypical young man with the message that Hardee’s food is an inexpensive option for satisfying big appetites and sophisticated (and not so sophisticated) tastes.
Interesting fact OPENING: Chili Cheese Thickburger, large French Fries, and a chocolate shake: 2270 total calories, 1100 fat calories, and 122 grams of fat. THESIS STATEMENT: The monster meal described above, when combined with a general image of satisfaction, effectively sends young men the message that Hardee’s food is an inexpensive option for satisfying big appetites and sophisticated (and not so sophisticated) tastes.
Question OPENING: What would draw a young man’s attention to an online advertisement for a fast- food restaurant? THESIS STATEMENT: The Hardee’s advertisement effectively draws a young man’s attention by emphasizing Hardee’s as an inexpensive option for satisfying big appetites and sophisticated (and not so sophisticated) tastes.
Definition OPENING: A target market is a part of the population that advertisers focus on when they attempt to send a message about their product. THESIS STATEMENT: The target market for the Hardee’s advertisement is young men, and the cleverly delivered message is that Hardee’s is an inexpensive option for satisfying big appetites and sophisticated (and not so sophisticated) tastes.
Description or summary Description paragraph for Hardee’s ad (or the ad you choose), followed by thesis statement
Conclusions Conclusions should reinforce the thesis and echo the introduction. What last impression do I want to make?
Comment or elaborate on some aspect of the introduction Comment on the opening quotation Answer the rhetorical question Finish the narrative Etc.
Discuss the larger significance of your topic and thesis Review the ad’s honesty, methods, and/or effectiveness Other effects of the ad (positive or negative, long-term or short-term) Discussion of application for reader (e.g. importance of awareness of advertising)