0 Information, Communication and Accountability in Local Governance United Nations Capital Development Fund Information, Communication and Accountability in UNCDF Local Development Programmes 10 th Inter-Agency Roundtable on Communication for Development UN Conference Centre, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia February 2007
1 Information, Communication and Accountability in Local Governance UNCDF, Local Development and Communications UNCDF's Local Development Programmes (LDPs) build the capacity of local governments and subnational authorities, and make investments in local communities to improve their access to social services and economic infrastructure. UNCDF operates under the principle of subsidiarity, ensuring that decision making responsibilities are entrusted to institutions as close as possible to those affected by these same decisions. These institutions should be accountable and involve, to the fullest extent possible, the broad participation of stakeholders representing different sectors of society. These stakeholders should be able to monitor, provide feedback and influence the decision-making processes that determine how public resources are allocated. Effective and efficient Communication is vital to ensuring the viability of this development approach.
2 Information, Communication and Accountability in Local Governance Accountability and Communication in Local Governance Accountability lies at the heart of any improvements in local government delivery of public goods and services. Accountability is only made possible through effective two-way communication. The public provision and effective communication of information, by whatever means, enables local citizens and others to track local government activities and increases the extent to which LG officials become more accountable. When citizens are empowered to participate in the public debate on issues that affect their lives, they are more likely to hold their local authorities accountable. Challenges: Illiteracy; access; dispersed populations; lack of experience in and trust of Government. Three dimensions of Local Government accountability: Downward accountability, of local government to citizens. Horizontal accountability within local government and administration. Upward accountability, of local government to central government.
3 Information, Communication and Accountability in Local Governance Local Government Areas of Communication Type of informationInformation usersRemarks Basic regulations (citizens’ rights, LG procedures, LG obligations, etc.). Community leaders and representatives, general public and LG councils. People need to know how LGs are supposed to function, what they are supposed to do, and what citizens’ rights (and responsibilities) are in relation to LGs. Budget ceilings, and amount of public resources. LG planners, community leaders and representatives. Unless people know what annual budget ceilings are, they are in no position to know what can be funded. Planning and budgeting decisions. LG councils, community leaders and representatives. The political choices made about what is to be planned and budgeted for must be approved by representative bodies and made known to the public. Approved plans and budgets (projects selected, expenditure, revenue). Community leaders and Representatives. Such general decisions should be public knowledge, both for practical purposes and so that citizens can assess their appropriateness.
4 Information, Communication and Accountability in Local Governance Local Government Areas of Communication Type of informationInformation usersRemarks Implementation arrangements (bid selection, etc.). LG councils, community leaders and representatives. Decisions about contractor selection need to be made public to allow for oversight and reduce opportunities for partiality. Expenditure, revenue and outcomes. (Monitoring and Evaluation). LG councils, community leaders and representatives. People need to be informed about what was actually done, what it cost, and how well it accomplished its objectives in order to be able to assess LG performance for themselves.
5 Information, Communication and Accountability in Local Governance Local Government Communication Channels Method of informationAdvantagesDisadvantages LG public notice board.Inexpensive, can be referred to several times. Limited to the literate public, limited to those who frequent LG Offices. Public meetings.Inexpensive, oral and can therefore provide information to the vast majority of the public. Invites feedback from public. Attendance is limited in sparse population zones, transitory source of information if not documented. Brochures and pamphlets.Relatively inexpensive, enduring source of information. Limited to the literate, distribution problems. Theatre.Attractive and appealing to the public, oral. Can invite public participation to promote Voice. Limited audience, transitory source of information, message may be submerged by the medium. Newspapers.Relatively inexpensive, potentially large audience, enduring source of information. Limited to the literate, few local newspapers in rural areas of LDCs.
6 Information, Communication and Accountability in Local Governance Local Government Communication Channels Method of informationAdvantagesDisadvantages Local / community radioRelatively inexpensive, widely accessible, oral. Transitory source of information, not always available in LDCs. National radio.Relatively inexpensive, widely accessible, oral. Transitory source of information. Brochures and pamphlets.Relatively inexpensive, enduring source of information. Limited to the literate, distribution problems. Video.Visual and oral.Relatively costly, requires audiovisual equipment. Television.Visual and oralVery costly, likely to be limited to wealthier households. Websites.Relatively inexpensive (to set up), easy to update Accessible to very few, limited to the literate, requires relatively sophisticated ITC
7 Information, Communication and Accountability in Local Governance Challenges and Constraints Ad hoc approach at present to inclusion of C4D in Prodocs. Some projects have communications specialists on support team at country level, but mostly focused on external communications with donors and Government. Not regularly included as a development indicator in evaluations. No full-time C4D advisors on staff.
8 Information, Communication and Accountability in Local Governance Decentralization Music Video End presentation with 3-minute video on promoting participation in Malawi.