Inc. Supplier Presentation Loofie Gutterman Geotest – Marvin Test Systems, Inc. (Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) Standardization and Commercialization)
2 About Geotest u A member of the Marvin Group, Geotest -Marvin Test Systems, Inc. is a global supplier of PC-Based test solutions. u Founded in 1988, Geotest offers hundreds of PC- Based test products including test instrumentation, instrument controllers, test development software, and turnkey test systems. u Geotest’s products and systems are used worldwide in thousands of functional test, device test, production test, and board test applications.
3 About Geotest (cont’d) u Geotest's off-the-shelf products include state-of-the- art software and hardware for the test and measurement market: – PXI Products: 6U PXI Chassis and a variety of 6U PXI instruments – Software: ATEasy ®, the leading software development environment for A.T.E. applications – GTXI ®, Geotest's innovative 14-slot test instrument controller with support for PCI, ISA, PXI, and CPCI instruments – Digital I/O: DIO ®, the world's fastest PC-based digital I/O. – See us at Wescon 2000 booth 2342/2344
4 TDC Mission & Goals Work together to identify and address test and diagnostics issues Foster the development of effective test and diagnostics tools, systems and processes Facilitate communication throughout the test and diagnostics community
5 How we get there STANDARDIZATION: –Using open-architecture, industry standard COTS products such as: PXI PC Bus (PCI/ISA) COST EFFECTIVENESS –Reducing test equipment costs using high- performance, low cost PC and PXI products
6 The Test Development Cycle The most expensive part of any ATE system development is the software (TPS) development and maintenance costs An efficient, cost-effective method of developing, documenting, and maintaining test program could significantly reduce the test development cycle and associated costs
7 TPS Development Tools ATLAS: –Program structure suitable for ATE applications (similar to TRD format) –Expensive development tools –Long and costly development cycle –Difficult and costly maintenance –Extensive software documentation required –Requires high-level programmers due to programming language complexity
8 TPS Development Tools (cont’d) Graphical Development Tools: –Program structure less suitable for ATE applications –Inexpensive development tools –Long and costly development cycle –Difficult and costly maintenance –Extensive software documentation required –Requires low-level programmers as programming language is easy and straightforward
9 TPS Development Tools (cont’d) Text Based Languages (C++/VB) –Program structure less suitable for ATE applications –Inexpensive development tools –Long and costly development cycle –Difficult and costly maintenance –Extensive software documentation required –Requires low-level programmers (VB) or high-level programmers (C/C++) according to complexity of programming language
10 TPS Development Tools (cont’d) Text-Based Test Development (ATEasy) –Program structure most suitable for ATE applications (modeled after TRD format) –Inexpensive development tools –Short and inexpensive development cycle –Quick maintenance cycle –Automatic software documentation –Requires low-level programmers
11 How TDC Can Help? Users: –Help define requirements for future test software platforms –Drive vendors to provide products that are more specific to test & diagnostics –As a group, TDC users will have a greater influence on the test industry Vendors: –Open forum to receive more ideas from users