TAJSTAT: Strengthening the National Statistical System Project Mustafa Dinc TLSS and MICS Conference Dushanbe, Tajikistan July 1, 2008
Survey Steps Objectives, Uses and Users Concepts, Definitions and Classifications Coverage and Frames Sampling Questionnaire Design Response and Non-response Data Collection Operations Editing Imputation, estimation Seasonal Adjustment and Trend-cycle Estimation Data Quality Evaluation Disclosure Control Data Dissemination Data Analysis (and Presentation) Documentation
Elements of Quality Relevance, Accuracy, Timeliness, Accessibility, Interpretability, and Coherence
Impossible Trinity (the Mundell-Fleming model) Good Quality Quick Inexpensive
Impossible Trinity (the Mundell-Fleming model) Good Quality Slow Inexpensive
Impossible Trinity (the Mundell-Fleming model) Good Quality Quick Expensive
Impossible Trinity (the Mundell-Fleming model) Bad Quality Quick Inexpensive
TAJSTAT Project objective To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the entire National Statistical System to provide relevant, timely and reliable statistical data.
Project Components Institutional Development Human Resource Development Development of Statistical Infrastructure Data Development Physical Infrastructure and Equipment Project Management
Institutional Development Legal framework Institutional framework Organizational Structure
Human Resource Development Human resources framework Training of statistical producers Training of statistical users
Development of Statistical Infrastructure Central Business Register of Establishments Sampling Frames Statistical Methodologies and Classifications Master Questionnaire design Data Dissemination Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Seasonal adjustment
Data Development Data quality Data capture, validation, processing and documentation, and storage System of National Accounts Non-observed economy Price Statistics Preparation of 2010 Census of Population Industrial statistics Economic, social environmental and other sectoral statistics
Physical Infrastructure and Equipment Development of Computerization Plan Transport Equipment Office and Survey Equipment Information Technology
Expected results from the Project improved legal and institutional framework strengthened human resources; improved statistical infrastructure through application of internationally accepted methodologies and data quality standards; developed statistical production system that continuously adapts to evolving needs of the society and economy; institutionalized core statistical activities, including poverty monitoring; increased output of reliable statistics; timely dissemination, information-sharing, and the use of data for policy decisions.