INTERNET INFORMATION ACCESS How to avoid and eliminate common problems confronting usage of modern resources to access the Internet.
Topics for this class The resources we’ll use: –PC – –Web How to hide addresses in group s How to stop spam / viruses in How to stop pop-up advertising How not to be deceived by ads.
The resources we’ll use PC: Any computer we use to access the internet. We will be addressing windows PCs specifically Windows 2000 and Windows XP Although many good programs it is not feasible to focus on all of them. I’ll focus on 3 for this presentation: web, home, corporate Web: We’ll use 2 different web browsers and a few different special softwares to access web pages published on the internet.
Your PC This is one of the most important topics because with out a properly working PC all the information on the Internet is worthless. The following components will be briefly touched upon: –The box (computer) –The O.S. (operating system) –The Internet connection * Please realize that this information is based on the computer industry and the average internet user as of this date.
The box Processor –PI (Pentium 1) or less – Replace –PII, PIII or P4 ok. PIII or greater recommended. For power users P4 w/ Hyper Threading or multiple CPUs Memory –256MB minimum, 384MB good, 512 great Hard Drive –Varies greatly based on need: speed and safety often more important than size! Monitor –CRT vs LCD
The O.S. Operating System –Good Windows 2000 – Windows NT version 5 Windows XP – Windows NT version 5.1 –Bad Windows ME, 98 SE, 98, 95…. all run DOS. * Please realize that this information is based on the computer industry and the average internet user as of this date.
Internet Connection Dial up – Best if used < 1 hour a day. –Speeds max at 56,000bps Broad Band – Best if used by multiple people or > 1 hour a day –Cable – Road Runner: Usually the fastest home connections offered (ie 3,000,000bps) –DSL – SBC: Usually less expensive but still fast (ie 2,000,000) * What seems fast is anything 256,000bps or more.
Web Web: –Pros: Inexpensive Portable –Cons: Usually require a little higher skill level Information is (normally) locked into web site, can not be moved from site to site. Limited features Normally exposed to more junk mail.
Home in most homes is one of 2 programs: Outlook Express or Netscape Mail. As of this date Outlook Express has become the more prevalent of the 2 so we’ll focus on it. Pros: –Fast interface –Simple drag and drop operations –Inexpensive –Intuitive –Information is kept on your machine, you can easily change providers* Cons: –Local access only* –Require backup of local machine to insure data protection.
Corporate This is the nicest to use, usually it’ll integrate calendaring, contact management and tasks. The most common corporate system used is called Outlook. If you have access to one of these systems from work normally there will be systems in place to allow you to gain remote access to all or nearly all the features. Home access pros are available with web access capabilities as well. This is the best of both worlds .
Spam / AntiVirus Web – May be provided by your web provider, if not I would suggest finding another provider. Home – Normally not provided, add on packages can be purchased for your PC but they will introduce liability on your part and constant expense. There are some great corporate solutions in this area: B.H. -> Postini Corporate – Your business place should have a system that takes care of this before the problems arrive in your account. If they don’t please see me.
WEB Access more information than any other source Easy and powerful search tools like google make finding information easy. Access speed allows you to do in minutes what used to take days and weeks. No need to travel to obtain materials, information is presented nearly instantly for your review. Inexpensive
Web: Tools Microsoft Internet Explorer –Most prevalent web browser in the world –Most designed for web browser in the world –ALL attacks target this browser Mozilla Firefox –2 nd most prevalent web browsers –Works with most sites –No attacks leveraged at it. –Many built in features that otherwise require pluggins.
The End: Contact Information Thank you for your time, if you still have questions this is where I can be reached. Work: Byte Harmony, Inc http:// Church: I donate 1 night a month to the family history center, if you have a simple problem or question I’ll probably answer it there! I’m usually there on Wednesdays, call Jane or the office to find out when I’ll be there. I help the FHC advance it’s systems, but I usually will spend an hour of the 3 helping people or answering questions. I’ll be there next Wednesday the 9 th.