You need to include: 1.Introduction 2.What you like / dislike eating. 3.What sports / activity you do in your free time. How often. Do you like it and why? 4.What people should / shouldn’t do to be healthy 5.What you are going to do to be healthier. Levels? In order to achieve a Level 3b / 3a, you need to give good description and opinions (like / dislike and why) In order to achieve a Level 4c / 4b you need to do the same as Level 3 AND use longer sentences and organise your ideas in paragraphs using linking words. In order to achieve a Level 4a / 5c you need to do the same as Level 4 AND use different tenses (present / future tense) WILF : good descriptions & opinions (level 3), longer sentences / paragraphs and justifications (level 4), different tenses (level5) WALT: To recall and organise my knowledge on Health in Spanish Task: To produce a brochure / an advertisement promoting healthy living in Spanish
The format of your project is entirely up to you. It can be a powerpoint presentation, a letter, a brochure, a leaflet (you could even record some parts of your project in Spanish!) Una vida sana = healthy life What do I need to know so I can describe and express opinions about your health and healthy life style with a Spanish speaking person? WALT: End of Term Project on ‘Healthy living’ = ‘una vida sana’ WILF: Write as much information about your health and a healthy life style Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4 Adding future tense OR past tense for level 5 WALT: End of Term Project on ‘Healthy living’ = ‘una vida sana’ WILF: Write as much information about your health and a healthy life style Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4 Adding future tense OR past tense for level 5
If you manage to write full sentences with link words give full descriptions and… give opinions and reasons and… Use different tenses ……you can achieve up to level 5b. WALT: End of Term Project on ‘Healthy living’ = ‘una vida sana’ WILF: Write as much information about your health and a healthy life style Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4 Adding future tense OR past tense for level 5 WALT: End of Term Project on ‘Healthy living’ = ‘una vida sana’ WILF: Write as much information about your health and a healthy life style Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4 Adding future tense OR past tense for level 5
You will have 3 lessons to work on your project WALT: End of Term Project on ‘Healthy living’ = ‘una vida sana’ WILF: Write as much information about your health and a healthy life style Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4 Adding future tense OR past tense for level 5 WALT: End of Term Project on ‘Healthy living’ = ‘una vida sana’ WILF: Write as much information about your health and a healthy life style Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4 Adding future tense OR past tense for level 5
You can submit your project in different ways: 1) By to your teacher Mrs Manser: Mr Régereau: Mr Wilkinson: Mrs Fuller: Mrs Weller: Ms Noval: 2) If done on paper, make sure you write your name and form on it. 3) If you can’t access your , save it onto a memory stick and give it to your teacher WALT: End of Term Project on ‘Healthy living’ = ‘una vida sana’ WILF: Write as much information about your health and a healthy life style Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4 Adding future tense OR past tense for level 5 WALT: End of Term Project on ‘Healthy living’ = ‘una vida sana’ WILF: Write as much information about your health and a healthy life style Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4 Adding future tense OR past tense for level 5
Your project should reflect what you have learnt since January. Use the following resources to help you write as much information about you house & your area: Your exercise book for vocab & to look at past lessons (term 3 & 4) AND ALSO … Click on the PBL picture on The Spanish Page and go to year 8 PBL 2 (lots of more info there too.. Eg: vocab) to look up new words Listos 1, 2 & 3 textbooks WALT: End of Term Project on ‘My Environment’ = ‘Mi medio ambiente’ WILF: Write as much information about your house & your area Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4 WALT: End of Term Project on ‘My Environment’ = ‘Mi medio ambiente’ WILF: Write as much information about your house & your area Using full sentences & link words for Level 2 And including opinions for Level 3 Adding reasons for your opinions for Level 4
Section 1- Introduction En mi opinion… these are all ways of saying "I think" Creo que… Pienso que … A mi parecer… … (no) soy una persona sanaI am (not) a healthy person Section 2- your diet: say what you usually eat Normalementenormallyde desayuno…for breakfast... Generalementegenerallyde comida…for lunch… En generalin generalde cena…for dinner… todos los díasevery daytomo…I have… ComoI eatbebo…I drink… Me gusta(n)I likeno me gusta(n)I don't like… Detesto / odioI hatemi plato preferido es…My favourite dish is… porque es / son…because it is / they are…bueno / malo para la saludgood / bad for your health delicioso / ricodelicious / tastydulcesweet amargobittersaladosalty gracientofattypicantespicy Use negative phrases! To say you don’t do the above things, put “no” in front of the verb. You can also use “nunca” (never) Eg: No fumo = I don’t smoke Nunca bebo alcohol= I never drink alcohol Use Text book Listos 2 p for example & p for vocabulary Use Text book Listos 2 p for example & p for vocabulary
Section 3- Exercise: Say what sport / exercise you do / used to do En el pasado…in the pastfueIt was Jugaba al…I used to play…practicaba…I used to do… Ahora…now… juego al…I play…practico…I do… dos / tres/ cuatro veces a la semana two/three/four times a weekde veces en cuandofrom time to time… todos los díasevery daya menudooften porque es…because it is…diferentedifferent sanohealthyemocionanteexciting interesanteinterestingpeligrosodangerous divertidofundificíldifficult facíleasyaburridoboring Section 4 & 5 – Advice & Future plans to keep fit para Llevar un vida más sana…to lead a healthier life… comer cinco raciones de fruta o verdura al día eat 5 portions of fruit or veg a day Para ser una persona más sana…to be a healthier person...comer tres comidas al díaseat 3 meals per day en el futuro…in the future…desayunar todos los díashave breakfast every day hay que…you must…descansarto relax voy a…I am going to…jugar al…to play… tienes que…you should…hacer…to do… no hay que…you must not…ir al…to go to… no tienes que…you should not…beber…to drink fumarsmokecomer…to eat beber dos litros de agua al díadrink 2 litres of water a day hacer deporte tres veces a la semanado sports 3 times a week Use Text book Listos 1 p for example p for vocabulary Use Text book Listos 1 p for example p for vocabulary Use Text book Listos 2 p 100 for example p for vocabulary Use Text book Listos 2 p 100 for example p for vocabulary Use Text book Listos 3 p & p for example p for vocabulary Use Text book Listos 3 p & p for example p for vocabulary