Bay-Wise Planning Tips Steve Raney, ATS Inc. (U.S.) – ULTra PRT Cities21, Palo Alto Many Bay Area opps.
Agenda Airports Office Parks Visual impact.
ARTIC Big vs. Small PRT 100 mi guideway –Transit agency & Mayor hates PRT N Koren: PC vs. mainframe.
PRT Applications Niches, not line haul –Smooth demand throughout the day helps Airport circulators Office Parks / Activity Centers 17 in Bay Area, 35K jobs 200m walk radius 1K people per station Cervero: 100% land gain SB375: mega TOD PRT V2.0 required for bigger applications.
SJC Rob Means Noel Tebo Green transit is crucial. PRT: 100 mpg –PRT “last mile” makes LRT, bus, BART, Caltrain & ACE more effective PRT: extendible, flexible SJC Commission: focus on convenience People like to be above ground, not in a tunnel Cutting edge transit for Capital of Silicon Valley. APMPRT cost$664M$189M wait, trip, walk, transfers 10+ min4 min # stations321 length1.8 mi x212.6 mi constructiondisruptivelegos lay-downlargesmall tunnelyesno
Under the road, on the berm
SketchUp – tricky stn
Agenda Airports Office Parks Visual Impact.
PRT Rectangular Grid Alignment Hacienda –9,500 residents –29,000 jobs –1MM s.f. retail –BART –$3B+ value Huge mixed use transit village –Starbucks 200+ US major job centers.
Comprehensive, Integrated Mobility Door to Door Delivery services, Personal activities, Business services first mile Train first mile Bus Web/wireless coordination Supportive policy context Scale! Short carpool pick up first mile Long carpool Improved match-making Shared parking, iPooling PRT system LAST MILE mid-day trips Walk Bike, scooter iPooling Centralized Cars: share, rent, ride home
Promising Results (300 surveys) Results for Palo Alto, Hacienda are similar Solo commutes: 89% 45% –Carpool: 9% 32%, train: 0% 15.5% train –For 20K people, removes 6,600 autos 350 s.f. per space 50 acres $326M R.E. profit 1.32 PRT trips/day/person => 26K trips/day.
Design: people map Connect the dots 1,000 people per PRT station (goal 1,000 trips) –How do you get this data? –615, 700, 772, …, 1364, 1400, 1700.
Design: Superblocks, etc Ped hostility (visual boredom, fast cars) –Avoid pedestrian street crossings (Don’t have a PRT station serve two sides of a street) 3 canals. 3 crossings with inexpensive prefabricated bridges (avoid a PRT station).
HBP Single Family Homes
Design: Superblocks, etc Focus? –Distance to office front door? –Guideway length? –Curves / ride quality / speed?
4 Tranport Hubs Carsharing Bus stops SFH crossing Inexpensive bridge Homeowner concerns.
3 PRT loops Semi-independent for higher capacity
“Horizontal mixed use” Urban mixed use: convenience: “walk to a quart of milk.” 4 story apts, retail on first floor. HBP (great mix of uses, via auto access) –IKEA, Best Buy, Pier 1, Barnes and Noble, Bed Bath and Beyond, Old Navy, WalMart –Recreation: gyms, spas, creekside hiking/biking trails, city parks, and a 20-screen multiplex cinema with IMAX –Variety of shops and restaurants at varying price points –Services: daycare, bank, copy-making, financial, real- estate, dry cleaners, dentist, doctor, optometrist, children’s educational centers, middle school, tanning, and nail salons Thus, “PRT+walk” (horizonal movement) to access uses. HBP will in-fill w/ walkable mixed use over time.
PRT Grocery Shopping? Hook N Go:
Agenda Airports Office Parks Visual Impact.
Guideway Visual Impact "No respondent felt that the vehicle appearance was poor, indeed the majority thought the vehicles would look excellent. The visual appearance of the elevated structure was regarded generally as good, with 40.4% rating it excellent. It is especially noteworthy that the response to the elevated track gave a notably positive response, with no definitely negative responses and only 2.6% feeling that it could be difficult.“ (Bristol, Cardiff)
Cut & Cover w/ Glass
Open Guideway (ULTra) 2getthere Electric battery Captive Bogey: * Vectus – LIM guideway * Skyweb Express – 3 rd rail, LIM Suspended: Mister, JPods 30+ vendors & technologies
Transit Alternate B Personal Rapid Transit
Rail Lift Bridge as PRT crossing As a 65’ crossing, leaf must be raised 3X per year to 120’ high $11M seismic retrofit for 2009 Army Corps owns
Planning Details Sketch alignments with local input Peter Muller’s stakeholder values workshop Stations in buildings Building 15 year business model..