Alice Havel Student AccessAbility Centre Dawson College Presentation for: 2 nd Brazil-Canada Forum of Technical and Professional Education November 18, 2011 CRISPESH Accessibility Testing and Training Laboratory Adaptech Research Network
Dawson College opened doors in 1969 over 11,000 day and evening students more than 50 fields of study Dawson College
established in 1987 serves over 450 students – all types of disabilities 5 full-time staff Student AccessAbility Centre Student AccessAbility Centre
in existence since 1996 based at Dawson College works in English and French team of academics, students and consumers Adaptech Research Network Student AccessAbility Centre Adaptech
research involving postsecondary students with disabilities funded by federal and provincial grants Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Fonds de recherche sur la société et la culture (FQRSC) Programme d’aide à la recherche sur l’enseignment et l’apprentissage (PAREA) Adaptech Research Network Cont’d areas of focus free or inexpensive software (including Apple apps) use and accessibility of information and communication technologies facilitators and barriers to academic success
CRISPESH Cont’d Centre For Research on Educational and Professional gInclusion For Students with Disabilities (October 2010) CCTT-PSN- College Centre for Technology Transfer in lllInnovative Social Practices 46 centres in total 6 related to innovative social practice Accredited by the Ministry of Education, Leisure and Sports ll(MELS) in collaboration with the Ministry of Economic llDevelopment, Innovation and Exportation (MDEIE)
CRISPESH Cont’d Partnership between Cégep du Vieux Montréal and Dawson ll eCollege To contribute to the development and adoption of practices iithat foster optimal inclusion of individuals with a variety of iidisabilities into postsecondary education and the workplace To date: organizational structure work plan network of researchers recruiting a Director
Student AccessAbility Centre Accessibility Testing and Training Laboratory
Accessibility Testing and Training Laboratory - Cont’d Funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Applied Research Tools and Instruments Grant To set up a lab to test the accessibility, usability and lldeliverability of software and hardware used by students with lldisabilities To demonstrate products and provide training on assistive iiitechnology
Accessibility Testing and Training Laboratory Cont’d Located at Dawson College, includes mobile lab component Equipment computers commonly used software (Kurzweil, Dragon Naturally Speaking, lllAntidote, Inspiration) Free and inexpensive software ( iPads and Apps Scanners Pens (scanning, recording, notetaking) College’s in-kind contribution: technician 26 hrs / wk.
How do the Pieces Fit Together? CRISPESH CCTT - PSN SAIDE Accessibility Testing and Training Laboratory Student AccessAbility Centre MELS