PART 6 Gaining support and commitment from within your organisation
Activity Think about your organisation and how you have or could gain and maintain support and commitment from: Management Champions Employees
Gaining management support From the start Management sponsor Meet with management – what do they want? Aims, objectives, success indicators Key drivers e.g. sickness absence, retention, CSR, productivity Share success of other organisations Build a business case
Gaining management support Build a business case Sell benefits to organisation Link to indicators/ key drivers/ business benefits/ organisations mission and vision statement What staff are saying Be clear - what the programme is trying to achieve Transparency – time and resources BHF Building the business case booklet - webpage, template tool, evidence report and cost calculator
Maintaining management support Agree time coordinator/ champions employees to take part Health at Work policy Encourage active participation Regular contact – updates, results, success stories
Gaining champion support Getting the right champions is vital More than 1 is essential – share responsibility People from different departments/ sites People at different grades/ ages Volunteers/ enthusiastic people Promote opportunity Intranet/ internet, notice boards, team meetings, social media, staff survey Role description - clarify benefits, make attractive, opportunities for involvement, support Clear expectations
Gaining champion support Find out their interests/ skills/ experience/ how they want to get involved Identify hidden talent at your workplace! Suggest ways they could be involved: Communication/ brainstorm ideas/ working group/ specialist skills/ organise activities/ provide feedback/ lead or run activity sessions/ offer coaching Establish one off/ regular commitment
Maintaining champion support Support - meetings and 1:1’s- regular Training – personal and professional development Champions get together - share experiences and ideas Dedicated time per week Recognition Responsibility Leadership Reward
Gaining employee support Time, persistence and constant communication Make the purpose very clear Make them feel part of the programme Find out what employees want Management to show support – time to participate Communication
Engaging employees Visible management support promote activities participation with employees recognise success Workplace champions communicate and encourage peers gain feedback Work with employees who show early interest get initiatives started, create early success communicate success widely
Maintaining employee engagement Incentives Prizes/ awards Competition (friendly) Maintain communication Success – personal stories Feedback – update
Case Studies Environment Agency
Support and resources to get your workplace active
Get your workplace active! Workplace Challenge resources and ideas: resources
Workplace Challenge Competitions Organised by Herts Sports Partnership and partners After work Team based sports tournaments Mixed gender Cost effective Social FUN !!! Book online at:
Employee Health MOTs appointments – Exercise professional and employee Body composition readings BMI, Body fat %, Blood pressure etc Lifestyle and nutritional advice Provides a snap shot of individuals health ½ day or full day Beneficial for employer and employee
On site / off site activities Link with NGBs for support and assistance HSP and partners can provide instructors/coaches for; Sports, Fitness, Pilates, Dance, Zumba, small group, personal training Other services include: Talks or workshops on back care, joint care, nutrition, stress management Bespoke offer can be created based on individual needs of your organisation
Additional support from HSP and BHF Further training – sport specific/ NGB activator/ coaching course, SCUK; First Steps into Coaching, How to Deliver Engaging Sessions Information about local activities, clubs, coaches, facilities, NGBs. Workforce education programme Ideas for activities Equipment
What works well Launch event and health checks Involve employees in planning of activities Choice and variety of activities One-off and taster events On-site activities – convenience Before / after work, lunchtime activities Inexpensive/ nominal fee External instructors – inspiring, friendly, professional Linking to national events Fun, innovative and social activities Team based challenges and competitions, sports teams Incentives – ‘freebies’ or linked to achievement of goals Flexible working hours to enable physical activity Facilities – shower and changing, secure bicycle storage
Awareness-raising - champion, talks, leaflets, posters Activities/ opportunities - pedometer challenge, walk leader training, lunchtime walks, organised walks, using the stairs Creating a supportive environment - safe walking routes, workplace travel plans BHF, Walking for Health, Nordic walking, Walk to Work week (May) Walking
Awareness-raising - champions, talks, leaflets, posters Activities/ opportunities - cycle lessons/ training, cycle maintenance workshops, BUGs, cycle events Creating a supportive environment - safe cycle routes, secure and safe storage, lockers changing/showers, bicycle pool, bike purchase scheme, mileage allowance, workplace travel plans British Cycling initiatives: Led rides, Breeze rides, Social cycling groups, free route mapping Cycling
Organising activities/ classes Location - on-site activities – convenience Time - before / after work, lunchtime activities Duration Cost - inexpensive/ nominal fee Instructors - external instructors – inspiring, friendly, professional Arranging leisure centre discounts/ membership Activity classes and access to leisure facilities
Promoting physical activity in your workplace What physical activity ideas will you promote/deliver in your workplace? How will you engage/ encourage participation with the least active?
Group activity Barriers and solutions What barriers have you faced or do you think you will face in your workplace? How will you get management on board? What additional support or resources might you need? How will you engage the least active employees?
Context & circumstances
Barriers to participation Time, perception of sport and PA, fitness, availability, self image, how to get started, money Groups under represented in sport; Women BME groups Disabled people
Final thoughts for increasing physical activity Increase in moderation, one step at a time. Encourage fellow colleagues to seek advice/ support about any health/ injury concerns any individual may have. Working together can increase enjoyment levels, improve mood, challenge each other.
BHF Health at Work programme & physical activity resources
Membership – join HaW It’s FREE! Includes: Welcome pack E-newsletter Quarterly member pack Resources Website LinkedIn Helpline
HaW Toolkit Coordinator resource includes: Introduction booklet Physical activity booklet Healthy eating booklet Mental wellbeing booklet Quit smoking booklet Posters Pocket mission booklet
HaW resources HaW toolkit Posters Pocket mission booklet – employee Pedometer challenge pack Workplace event guide HaW calendar Business case – booklet, template tool, evidence report, cost calculator
HaW Website BMA Patient Information award 2011 Physical activity, healthy eating, mental wellbeing, stop smokingPhysical activity Resources and events Challenges – Pedometer, Be active, Stair climb Success Stories – including videosvideos News Events
Pedometer challenge pack Coordinator resource includes: Co-ordinator guide Posters Editable desk drop letter and folder Editable weekly s Individual + team step count sheet Team captain booklet Progress chart Rules and safety tips Certificate 1 pedometer
Resistance bands
BHF physical activity resources BHF activity calories calculator Ten minutes to change your life – Time to get moving Get active stay active booklet Put your heart into walking booklet Activity diary BHF events Training zones Heart matters – magazine, tools, recipes, motivational s
BHF resources us: Order resources -By calling: Or Health at Work website: