A manager’s dilemma – Help Mohamned with his Strategy by SWOT 管科 游騰保 管科李蕙宇
Something about Us 游騰保-管科大二-對資工的課程有興趣, 平常喜歡打羽球。沒有跑社團但是擔任武 陵校友會會長 李蕙宇-一樣是管科大二,數位音樂研究 社社長,喜歡唱歌和音樂創作。
The background story Mohamed Ali Alabbar, the chairman of a company which is having sky-high profit margin is having difficulty to implement the current strategy. The current goal is to meet the demand for quality housing in his Arab and, increaseingly ing growing markets such as India and Egypt. Now, Mohamed is not sure about if he’s strategy. Can you do a SWOT analysis?
Emaar Properties PJSC Emaar Properties PJSC (DFM:EMAAR) Corporate Mission – to transform Emaar into a one-stop, global solution provider for lifestyle, including homes, work, play, leisure, retail, health, education, finance, industry and more. Emaar of tomorrow will become synonymous to "Quality Lifestyle across the Globe"
Steps in doing strategic management Step 3 – Doing an internal analysis The company is having great reputation since it already is the leader in the Arab. It has high profit margins from the fact that it can offer inexpensive lands. Step 2 – Doing an external analysis The company is already leading in the Arab world, but outside Arab, the company is going to face great challenges from both competitors and other facts in the new environment Step 1 – Identifying the organization’s current mission, goals, and strategies The goal: Meet the demand for quality housing in Arab, India and Egypt
The SWOT!! S W O T Existing knowledge, reputation, and ability to attain inexpensive lands The chance to beat competitors in new regions or find great partnerships Chance to be beaten in new regions or failed to find partnerships Not obvious from the text
Steps in doing strategic management (contd.) Step 6 – Evaluating Results We’re not able to go practical in this theriotical presentation Step 5– Implementing Strategies We’re not able to go practical in this theriotical presentation Step 4 – Foumulating strategies The Strategy it’s implementing is no doubt a growth strategy. So, Is it able to implement it? The answer is yes
About us reprise. Let’s SWOT! 題目:大學畢業時自己的 SWOT 分析 S W 游騰保 O T 畢業時會有雙學位, 資管研發型人才的日 益需求 資管在台灣的定位不明 顯,另外 行銷方面的課修比較少 /沒有專題比賽經驗
About us reprise. Let’s SWOT! 題目:大學畢業時自己的 SWOT 分析 S W 李蕙宇 O T 有當過社團負責人的實務經 驗,且有多元的技能 職場對 π 型人的需求日深。 企業傾向選擇有實務背景 的理工人才而不是只學管 理理論管理人才 成績不算優秀,要 更靠實力證明自己
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