Michael.D Blk: C 1
Title page…………………………………………………………………………………………1 Table of Contents………………………………………………………………………………2 Defining promotion……………………………………………………………………………3 The Advantages…………………………………………………………………………………4 What is Branding………………………………………………………………………………..5 5 products branded………………………………………………………………………….6,7 3 types of advertising………………………………………………………………………….8 The 5 Ms of advertising……………………………………………………………………….9 6 main advertising medias…………………………………………………………………10 Advantages and Disadvantages……………………………………………………………11 Commercials…………………………………………………………………………………..12 2
Effective methods of promotion for different types of product or business. They are also factors to consider when choosing the promotional mix. Promotion involves communication about the product or service. The main aim of promotion is to ensure that customers are aware of the existence and positioning of product. 3
Advertising - Control of message - Can be used to build brand loyalty Personal Selling - High customer attention - Potential for development of relationship Sales Promotion - Effective at achieving a quick boost to sales - Encourages customers to trial a product/switch brands Merchandising - Displays products to maximize sales - Allows customer and seller to have both their needs Public relations - Can create goodwill toward an individual, business, cause or product - Win the trust of the customers to buy product Sponsorship - It can form public relations - Can benefit both sides Direct marketing - Can personalize the marketing message - Easy to test different marketing messages 4
Branding is the adoption of values, image, awareness, recognition, quality, features, benefits, and name for a product. Why we brand is because; -To differentiate the product -To aid advertising -To build loyalty -To communicate value of product -To target segments -To aid recognition -To protect the product -To promote product 5
Pepsi-Coke PC-IPad Blackberry-IPhone 6
Dell-Intel DVD-Blue ray 7
Informative provides information Persuasive to encourage brand switching Pioneering to introduce a new product watch?v=CHoPTmtu9cY&f eature=pyv m/watch?v=WztnJkER6 GY 8
- Mission objectives - Money To pay for the campaign - Message To be delivered - Media Choice of advertising media - Measure Measuring the impact 9
- Print media- newspaper and magazines - Television - Radio - Cinema - Outdoors (billboards) - Internet 10
Print Media Television Radio Cinema Outdoors Internet AdvantagesDisadvantages -Large audience -Low cost per exposure -Can target specific groups -High impact -Very high overall cost -Limited prime time space -Short lived -May not be watched -Relatively inexpensive -Can target specific segment -Relatively mobile -local -Limited impact -No vision -Short life -Listeners attention limited -Widely read -Can target specific segments -Short lead time -Inexpensive compared to television -Short life -Low impact -May get lost in the rest of the paper -Not everyone reads newspapers -High impact -Captive audience -Specifically targeted -Local audience -Limited audience -Mainly young audience -Short lived message -May only be seen once -Repeatedly seen -24/7 coverage -Target particular areas -Local media -Message must be short and simple -Cannot target social economic groups -Short lived -May be seen as traffic hazard -Cheap -Easy to set up -Easily updated -# of hits can be monitored -Problems of connecting -Limited audience -Technical problems -Banners ads not very effective 11
5e-uHQna0 Aj6qfmFQ These commercials are good because they give out a strong message to what they’re selling, and doing it in a comedy way. One makes fun of the Star Wars force, and the other uses children's fear of clowns to make fun of the commercial 12