Hypnosis is a tool that allows us to communicate with the subconscious mind to change or improve habits or behaviors. Hypnosis is an altered state of consciousness characterized by highly focused concentration and hyper suggestibility. Hypnosis is the Alpha state of the mind that people experience when they do Meditation or visualization.
“When you're overweight, there is a conflict between the conscious mind and the subconscious mind”. The conscious mind says, "I know I want to lose weight”. However, the subconscious mind tosses up roadblocks such as emotional eating. “Hypnosis can help get the two parts of the mind together.” Philip Shenefelt, associate professor of medicine at the University of South Florida -Tampa Tribune, 8/04
“The word hypnosis comes from the Greek word for sleep,” says Dr. Hoover. “But actually, you are not asleep, you are focused and have more self-control. Researchers have done EEGs of persons in trances that showed their brains were highly alert and focused.” Dr. L. Dean Hoover psychiatrist -The Capital (Annapolis, MD), 4/04
“Many patients suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, a painful disorder that does not generally respond well to conventional treatments, have found relief through hypnotherapy. Now British researchers say the benefits can last five years or longer.” The New York Times, 10/03
“But science now knows the reality of hypnosis, where the subject temporarily suspends his normal way of looking at the world, not in a trance-like sleep, but rather extreme concentration.” Diane Sawyer -Good Morning America, 6/02
"I had to learn self-love and I learned it through hypnotherapy” Fergie, from Black Eyed Peas on kicking her drug habit to crystal meth.
Did you know? Everyone of normal intelligence can be hypnotized. During You don’t lose consciousness because hypnosis is not sleep, All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, because it can’t happen against your will. You never lose control during hypnosis. You can never get stuck in hypnosis. Hypnosis is not a quick fix. It requires a dedicated team effort, with the client accepting responsibility for his or her own recovery through cooperation and commitment to the process. Hypnosis is a safe and holistic approach to achieving your goals.
Most common Hypnosis problems, habits or behavioral patterns that can be changed with hypnosis: Stop smoking Lose weight &improve your eating habits Stress Management Irritable Bowel Syndrome relief Sleep better Eliminate Fears, Phobias or Anxiety Improve Focus and concentration Improve academic grades Feel motivated to Achieve your goals Eliminate nail biting Forgiveness/Release guilt Anger Release Learn Self-hypnosis Improve Confidence and Self- esteem
“What the mind can conceive, the body can achieve”
NO THOUGHT, whether it be negative or positive, CAN ENTER THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND WITHOUT THE AID OF THE PRINCIPLE OF AUTO- SUGGESTION. Napoleon Hill, Author of “Think and Grow Rich”
“ Whether in one session or ten, the results of regression therapy are long lasting and life-changing” “ I believe there are two main reasons why the medical and psychotherapeutic establishments are reluctant even to evaluate, let alone accept, these rapidly inexpensive new approaches. The first is fear, the second is economic.” Brian Weiss, Author of Many lives, many masters
Text by: Fabiola Miguel CH Most photos courtesy of Please forward this important information to others