Electrical Safety Review Compliance Assistance Region IV
What is Electricity? Electricity is the movement of electrons. Fundamental quantities include: Volts Current Resistance
Common Hazards SShocks. BBurns. EExplosions. FFires.
Electricity and the Human Body ~1ma:Sensation on hands. >3ma:Painful shock which can cause indirect accidents. >10ma:Muscle contraction, “no-let-go” danger. >30ma:Lung paralysis >50ma:Possible ventricular fibrillation. 100ma - 4A: Certain ventricular fibrillation
Protective Triangle Keep Away Grounding GFCI
Electrocution Triangle Electricity Path Time
Fatality An employee received a fatal electric shock while operating a high pressure water sprayer which was connected to a portable light with a receptacle built into the handle. The portable light was being used as an extension cord, and was not approved for wet or damp locations. The electrical cord had been spliced and the cord had been laying in water at the time of the accident.
Commonly Cited Violations (b)(1):Unused openings (g)(2):Exposed live parts (b)(2):Missing covers (f):Defective Ground (g)(1)(iii): Prohibited uses of flexible cords.
Commonly Cited Violations (f): Unlabeled disconnects (g)(2)(iii): Strain relief (b)(2):Listed & labeled (b)(1):General Duty Clause (g)(1):Access & working space.
Blocked Electrical Panels
Strain on Conductors
Inadequate Strain Relief on Cord
Exposed Live Parts Employee’s cap is hung on power strip energized to 120VAC
Exposed Live Parts
Exposed live parts Missing breakers inside of circuit breaker panel
Ungrounded Cords Ground pin missing on extension cord
Damaged Faceplate
Utility Boxes Utility boxes are not approved for usage as extension cords.
Receptacles in Wet Locations Receptacles in wet or damp locations need covers.
Receptacles in Wet Locations Receptacles in wet or damp locations need covers.
Damaged Faceplate
Portable Electric Tools Inspect before usage. Remove from service tools with damaged cords. Use grounded or double insulated tools. Check continuity of tool.
Hazard Assessment Employers are required to assess the workplace to determine if hazards that require the use of personal protective equipment are present or are likely to be present.
Personal Protective Equipment Head protection - overhead hazards Eye protection - grinding, chipping, or sawing operations. Hearing protection - noisy environments Respiratory protection - exposure levels exceed permissible exposure limits. Foot protection - falling, rolling, or sharp object.
Rubber Gloves Must be air tested daily before usage. Must be electrically tested every 6 months or replaced. Before issuance gloves may be stored for up to 1 year without being tested.
Wrapping It Up Education and training without follow-up and enforcement, is INEFFECTIVE
Region IV - OSHA