Words With nd, nt, mp, ng, nk
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk Say /d/ /u/ /mp/ dump Raise your had if you hear the sound /mp/
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk damp late sink stamp Which words do you hear the /mp/ sound? damp stamp
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk Say /b/ /a/ /nd/ band Raise your had if you hear the sound /nd/
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk Say /b/ /e/ /nt/ bent Raise your had if you hear the sound /nt/
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk Say /b/ /a/ /nd/ band Raise your had if you hear the sound /nd/
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk Say /p/ /i/ /nk/ pink Raise your had if you hear the sound /nk/
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk Say /s/ /ing/ sing Raise your had if you hear the sound /ng/
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk clanging Do you hear the /ng/ sound? Now divide it into syllables The letters ng make a single sound and stay together. Now divide it into syllables. clang / ing
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk kingdom Did you hear the /ng/ sound? The letters ng make a single sound and stay together. Now divide it into syllables. king / dom
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk blanket Did you hear the /nk/ sound? The letters nk make a single sound and stay together. Now divide it into syllables. blank / et
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk dumpling Did you hear the /mp/ sound? The letters mp make a single sound and stay together. Now divide it into syllables. dump / ling
Words with nd, nt, mp, ng, nk handshake Did you hear the /nd/ sound? The letters nd make a single sound and stay together. Now divide it into syllables. hand / shake
Your Turn Write the following words. Write them down and break them into syllables. Take turns with a partner reading the words. bending pants longest camp thankful When you are a finished to practice book page 26.