Jayme Harmison Mandy Garwood Dan Egbert
How does The Rock Creek’s DO compare to the Boise River’s?
Dissolved Oxygen is oxygen dissolved by water. It gets there by diffusion from the surrounding air, rapid movement, and as a waste product photosynthesis. Total dissolved gas concentrations should not exceed over 110 percent. Concentrations above this level can be harmful to aquatic life.
Biological Oxygen Demand is a way to determine the demand for oxygen of the microorganisms living in an aquatic ecosystem. Microorganisms feed on organic material, which there is a large amount in the water, the number increases which requires more oxygen for them to live
Our data tells us that Rock Creek is a great place for organisms to live in. Some of the things that affect DO is temperature, Aquatic plant populations, Decaying organic material in water, Stream flow, Altitude/ atmospheric pressure, and Human activities.
All of our data that we collected was collected during the month of October. Our sites DO collection average was That is a very good average. The Boise rivers data average that we collected was Less diversity organisms living on the edge.
Rock Creeks DO to The Boise Rivers is
It was a gloomy day and cloudy outside. The rain was pouring and soaking through our coats. Our hair was stringy and damp from the rain and our hoods smashing it. We tested the oxygen in the water to see how healthy it was. From the look of what we saw the water was dirty. We tested and got two different results, but it averaged to 11. We were all ready to leave, we took our tests and all of our damp bodies gathered on the bus to leave the soggy riverside.
Our group used the following resources. Site database.9/18/01. Students Investigating Today’s Environment.11/12/ Beckwith Robert E. Project SITE Idaho Falls, Idaho:EG&G Idaho, Inc. June ESRI software