Practical 1
Learning objectives: By the end of the lesson you should be able to: Describe behavioural adaptations in animals using woodlice as an example.
Introduction Woodlice are invertebrates which are found under stones and decaying wood. When woodlice are in these damp and dark conditions they _____________which increases the likelihood of __________________ ____________ The behaviour of woodlice in light and dark conditions can be investigated using a __________________________ Move slowly Remaining in the preferred conditions Remaining in preferred conditions
Aim To investigate the conditions which woodlice prefer
Method 1. Set up the choice chamber as shown in the diagram 2. Add ten/twenty woodlice through the hole in the lid and count the number of woodlice in the uncovered part of the chamber after five minutes Black paper Light source Hole in lid Moist filter paper
Results ConditionNumber of Woodlice Light Dark
Analysis Draw a bar graph of the results Number of woodlice LightDark Conditions
Conclusion Which conditions do woodlice prefer? Woodlice prefer dark conditions
Evaluation Why were many woodlice used in the experiment? To make the results more reliable