Unity After the Fall of the Roman Empire
1. Define the Problem: There is Disorder in Europe. 2. Gather the Evidence 3. Identify the Causes: No central government, Lack of strong leaders, Invaders, Lack of Unity, Regression. 4. Evaluate the Policies: Feudalism, Manorialism, The Catholic Church, and the Development of Cities and Towns.
Germanic Invasions broke down the structure of the Roman cohesiveness. Resources were spent on expanding the Empire, not protecting its borders. Charlemagne tries to bring back the Glory of the Roman Empire but without a capable ruler succeeding him, everything falls apart.
Without a centralized government, the Roman Empire is taken over by invaders from the north, such as the Scandinavians. People are scared. There are no more schools; people are regressing. They are moving backwards, not forwards.
Feudalism was a new form of government that came about because of the previous events. Peasants and Barons/Lords became dependant on one another. The peasants for protection; Barons for additional wealth. Manorialism allowed peasants to become more independent. On a manor you would find: a peasant’s village, shops, markets, a chapel, forest, farming area, etc. As people became less fearful of attacks from invaders, they began to interact with other manors.
Castles were built out of necessity. They were dark, damp, cold and smelly. They were built out of stone for the purpose of protection from invaders, foreign and domestic. Surrounding every castle was a moat. Castles were the property of wealthy Barons or Nobles. Castles were built all over Europe and can still be found today.
As the fear of invasion began to fade away, people no longer felt obligated to stay on a manor. Peasants began to leave the castles and manors in search of economic opportunity. As cities and towns began to develop, people began to interact with one another, thus promoting cultural diffusion.
The Church unified a fragmented society. REMEMBER: Language and Religion UNITE a civilization. The Church cared for the people by educating them and supplying them with jobs. Work on a Cathedral would employ someone for their entire life!
Who was more powerful… The King OR The Pope??? Who had the people’s loyalty… The King OR The Pope??? LAY INVESTITURE LAY INVESTITURE
Pope VS the King Pope VS the King