Six-Dinner Sid
Characters Sid - Black cat People who owned the cat, Sid. Sid’s owners - People who owned the cat, Sid. Peron who lives near or next door to Sid Neighbor’s -
Vocabulary to exit quietly without bothering anyone Slip out - lamb - Liver - organ Beef and kidney stew -
Vocabulary neighbors - Person who lives near or next door to you They did not know what Sid was up to - believed - Assume (ex. They all believed that the cat they fed was theirs) Theirs - Belongs to them
Vocabulary different - Not alike several behave - to act in a particular way Swanky airs - Act like high class in a very fancy and expensive place naughty - Not nice disobedient; mischievous mischief - action that annoys or irritates
Vocabulary smooch - To kiss or cuddle take action; do something perform act - Mean or rude rough - tough- hard Wore Sid out – Wore out Tired
Vocabulary besides - other than or except Furthermore in addition scratched - To rub with the fingernail In fact - actually One cold, damp day - Cold and wet day
Vocabulary He caught a nasty cold - cough - Taken - got Yucky/ dirty germs sick cough - Taken - Remove Sid from a particular place vet - Animal hospital once - One time/ first twice - Second time
Vocabulary nearly - almost nasty - Yucky/ dirty spoonful - “Sid’s cough wasn’t nearly as nasty as it sounded; but to be on the safe side, he should have a spoonful of medicine.” nasty - Yucky/ dirty spoonful - spoon: as much as a spoon will hold Of course - Indicate agreement Questionable Having or showing a cautious distrust of someone or something suspicious -
Vocabulary As expected Surely certainly Sure enough - Appointment book - Owners at once - At the same time At a time together discovered- found He had been up to - He had been doing
Vocabulary No business- No right Future - One dinner a day - Sid had no business eating so many dinners. Hereafter tomorrow Future - One dinner a day - today – only one dinner (not 3) Pythagoras Place is unlike Aristotle Street. The people lived on Pythagoras Place talked to their neighbors. Everyone knew about Sid’s six dinners. Unlike - different Right from the start- From the beginning Nobody minded - Nobody cares
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Six-Dinner Sid by Moore, Inga 1 How did Sid act when he was Sally? __ He acted silly. __ He acted sweet. __ He acted mean. __ He acted swanky. 2 What did Sid have first for dinner? __ liver at number one __ chicken at number one __ lamb at number three __ chicken at number three 3 Why did Sid get medicine six times? __ His owner was forgetful. __ He went to the vet as six different cats. __ The vet was busy. __ He really liked the medicine.
Six-Dinner Sid by Moore, Inga 4 How many people took Sid to the vet? __ six different people __ three different people __ five different people __ one person 5 Why did Sid live in six houses? __ to have different names __ to get six meals __ to have different jobs __ to have different beds
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