Write down the following terms in your sketchbook: Ceramics Ceramicist The art of making an object from clay and hardening them with fire. also artworks made by this process. An artist who uses clay as their art form/medium.
Pinch Pot Cereal Bowl Unit 2: Pinch Method
Craftsmanship Write down the following definition in your sketchbook: Craftsmanship: the skill at making quality things; cleanness, neatness
Pinch Pot How do I get started? How do I make a pinch pot?
Steps to making a pinch pot/bowl 1. Start with a ball of clay. 2. Use your thumb and press it into the center of the ball, but make sure you do not go all the way through. The thickness of the bottom should be about ½ -1/4 inch thick. (Use a pin tool to check the depth of the bottom. ) 3. Now, with your fingers on the outside and thumb on the inside, pinch lightly and rotate the pot. Start from the bottom and work your way up. 4. Continue pinching and rotating until you get to the lip. Pinch lightly to even out the lip. You don’t want your lip to be too thin. 5. Once you have formed a pot, pinch out the ridges left from your finger marks. 6. Smooth out any cracks with your finger or a damp sponge. 7. Check your Craftsmanship.
What things do well-crafted artworks have? (write down six things) Craftsmanship
Neat Clean Even glaze application Attention to details Techniques used properly Even/strong structure of form Unique Symmetrical (if intentional) Smooth/No fingerprints Created a vent for enclosed forms Style is intentional Recognizable No cracks Project is signed Took time on the project Clean lines/color No clay boogers Wedged clay Not thicker than ½ inch/not too thin Craftsmanship
Ceramics Club Meets on Thursdays from 2:30 – 3:30 on the 2 nd & 4 th Thursday each month. Sign up in the Cafeteria TODAY to join. First meeting will be on Thursday, August 22.
Cereal Bowls Creating a coil foot Using the additive and subtractive method for surface enrichment
Requirements: 1. You will be making a cereal bowl. 2. Your Cereal bowl will be made by the pinch method. 3. It needs to have a coil foot. 4. Using the pinch method, the ball of clay you start will needs to be bigger than a tennis ball, but smaller than a grapefruit. 5. Once the bowl is leather hard, you will add a foot to the bottom using the coil method. 6. You want your bowl to be nice and tall and wide. 7. Lip needs to be thick and even.
Forming a Coil foot 1. After the pot is leather hard, add a foot by rolling out a coil. 2. Turn the pot upside-down and place the coil on top to measure the circumference. 3. Draw a line on the outside of the coil. Take off the coil and score and slip both the coil and the bottom of the pot. 4. Press the coil to the bottom of the pot until it “ozzes” out the sides. 5. Blend the seam with a wooden tool or finger. 6. Gently place your foot onto the table to make sure your bowl does not wobble. 7. Check your craftsmanship
Requirements for design Use shapes to create an irregular pattern that shows movement. Design should show movement throughout the piece. No hearts, stars, letters or numbers. Do not put a lot of designs on the inside of the bowl. You may cover no more than 1/3 of the inside surface. Complete 6 brainstorming sketches, then choose your best one and do a life size drawing of the outside of your bowl, front and back.
Pattern Using half of a page… Draw a line down the middle Left side – draw an irregular pattern Right side – draw a regular pattern
Pattern Pattern – repeated colors, lines, shapes, forms or textures in an artwork; a plan or model to be followed when making something Regular Pattern – a pattern that keeps repeating the same thing, over and over again in the same order Irregular Pattern – a pattern that repeats something, but not necessarily in the same order
Here are a few more examples of irregular patterns
Movement Movement- Used to create the look and feeling of action and to guide a viewer’s eye throughout the work.
How do you make an uneven lip even? Write down the answer in your sketchbook. Do two drawings of two bowls. One with an even lip and One with an uneven lip.
Glazing your cereal bowl… Using complete sentences, write the answers to the following questions in your sketchbook: What is glaze? What does glaze do? How can you glaze a piece of bisqueware?
What is glaze? Glaze is made up of 3 main elements: Silica-what turns into glass Flux- what determines the temperature at which the glass (silica) melts. Clay- what keeps the glass (silica) from running off the piece.
What is glaze cont’d: Things can be added to the 3 ingredients to create colors, different textures, etc. Glaze seals the surface and makes it water-tight (non- porous).
How can glaze be applied? Glaze can be… Dipped Poured Brushed To glaze your cereal bowl, you will be pouring and dipping.
How to glaze your cereal bowl: 1. First, wipe down your bowl with a damp sponge, inside and out. 2. Paint the bottom with wax resist. Make sure your wax resist begins to go up the sides 1/4”. 3. Once the wax resist dries, choose a glaze color. Make sure that you stir up the glaze first so you get an even application.
For All Over Color: 1. Using tongs, slowly dip your bowl into the glaze until it is totally submerged. 2. Hold it there for no more than 3 seconds. If you use more than 1 color, keep in mind that you do not want your bowl in glaze for more than 3 seconds total! 3. After your bowl has been dipped, raise it up out of the glaze. Keep it over the glaze bucket and shake off any remaining glaze. 4. Set the bowl down on the table. Sponge off any glaze that has beaded up on your wax resist. 5. Rinse your tongs off before using a 2 nd color.
For All Over Color Cont’d: For your 2 nd color, you will dip between ¼ and ¾ of the bowl. Do not dip more than ¾! Shake off any excess glaze over the glaze bucket Set your bowl down on the table and sponge off any excess glaze on the wax resist. Rinse off your tongs and put your cereal bowl on the glazeware shelves.
Inside Different Color: 1. If you are going to make the inside of your bowl a different color from the outside, first use a cup of glaze and pour it into your bowl. 2. Then, slowly pour the glaze out of the bowl and back into the glaze bucket while turning the bowl in your hands so that the entire inside is covered. 3. Sponge off any glaze that has gotten on the outside of your bowl. 4. Now, holding the bowl from the foot, dip it straight down into the glaze. This should trap an air bubble on the inside of your bowl. 5. Hold for 3 seconds and slowly lift straight up and out. If you do not lift straight, it will splash the inside color.
Inside Different Color Cont’d: 1. After you lift your bowl out of the glaze, hold it over the glaze bucket and shake off any excess glaze. 2. Set the bowl on the table and rinse off your tongs. 3. Sponge off any excess glaze that has beaded up on the wax resist. 4. Place your bowl on the glazeware shelves.