Panda Bears Climbing Animals Climbing Animals By: LF
Introduction Scientific name Ailaropoda Meleanoleuca Scientists don’t know if it’s a raccoon or bear.
What They Look Like: White with black spots—they look like raccoons Fur is thick, but also soft and silky They stand about five feet tall They have strong, short legs and shoulders Short arms Their eyes are black and their ears are black
Habitat Chinese mountains up high Damp – lots of plants grow Rainy, water close by Lots of bamboo close by Trees near by Dampness helps them climb Forest
Climate 70 degrees 80 degrees Not too hot, not too cold
Life Span 20 years in the wild Pandas in zoos live up to be 25 or 30 years old
Food Eats 3,500 stalks of bamboo a day Eats 3,500 stalks of bamboo a day pounds of bamboo a day pounds of bamboo a day Spring flowers Spring flowers
How They Act Sometimes climbing Sleeping in hidden areas Finding bamboo
Predator and Prey PredatorsRodents Sometimes steal people’s meat Sometimes fish PREYLionsHUMAN Wild dogs Leopards
Babies Usually, one baby born at a time When twin cubs are born, the weaker one dies
Physical Adaptations Black eyes make pandas look scary and protect them from predators Black and white color helps them camouflage Ears pop out so they can hear things well
Physiological Adaptations Pads on feet help them so they don’t slip when they climb Strong muscles, legs and shoulders which help the panda climb to get food and provide protection from it’s enemies Strong paws and big claws to eat bamboo
Behavioral Adaptations Climbing in trees and mountains Pandas sleep 2-3 hours when tired They move slowly They are shy and spend a lot of alone time They do move quickly when climbing trees
Fun Facts Black and white helps camouflage the panda from it’s enemies A panda cub weighs 10kg when first born They have a small layer of white fur They can’t see or hear for 5 days Pandas have 11 different calls to communicate with one another