Science: review ch.1 and ch.2 L.1 By Aida Momeni
Classification Ch.1 l.1
What is classification? Classification means to put things into groups. Levels of classification:1)observed each organism carefully. 2)compare and contrast our observation with other plant and animals. 3)put similar organisms in one group if it was different put it in a new group. Continue next page
Classify reasons It’s easier for scientists to communicate clearly They call each organism with just one name Organize information about organisms
Classification system Kingdom: is the highest group of organisms. Phylum: is the next level below kingdom. Class: next level below phylum Species: they kept divide each level into smaller and smaller levels (order,family,genus) and species.
Vertebrates Ch.1 l.2
What are vertebrates Animals without backbone. Animals: a) are multicellular B)they can move on their own C)they cannot make their own food or sugar like plants
Fishes Live in freshwater or saltwater Bone or cartilage protects brain & spinal cord Gills for respiration Mostly external fertilization Body covered with scales The are cold blooded
Classes of Fishes Agnatha (Jawless Fish) Lampreys Chondrichthyes (Cartilaginous Fish) Sharks, rays Osteichthyes (Bony Fish) Most common fish
Fish Structure
Amphibians Ectothermic Most have metamorphosis 2 Big Groups Anura: frogs, salamanders Caudata: salamanders, newts Body covered with soft skin They are cold blooded
Problems with life on land Drying out Respiration Reproduction Movement Temperature Control
Frog Life Cycle
Reptiles Dry body covering Their body covered with scales Heart has 3 chambers Well-developed lungs Toes have claws They are cold blooded
Reptile Reproduction Amniote Egg developed Internal fertilization
Homeostasis Modern reptiles = ectotherms Dinosaurs may have been endotherms
Special Senses Visual range Heat-sensing pits
Classes of Reptiles Rhynchocephalia Testudo Squamata Crocodilia
birds Body covered with feathers They are cold blooded They feed their young
Bird Adaptations Feet differ by lifestyle Bill based on food type Forelimbs = wings
Feather Types Down Filoplumes Contour Flight
Homeostasis Endotherms 4-chamber heart High metabolism Rapid heartbeat
Other Systems Nervous: highly developed Excretory: reduced Digestive Crop – stores food for later Gizzard – grinds food
Bird Reproduction System Reduced Produce Amniote Egg Internal Fertilization
Mammals Body covering is hair or fur They are warm blooded Young feed by their mother
invertebrates Ch.1 L.3
What are invertebrates Animals without backbones are invertebrates Largest invertebrates are giant squids 4 groups: mollusks, worms, cnidarians, arthopods
Some get oxygen by using gills mollusks Soft body Some get oxygen by using gills Other are able to absorb oxygen through their skin
worms Flat worms are flat and thin and live in wet or damp places Round worms live in both water and land Segmented worms include the earth worm
arthopods Insect , losters, and spiders are arthopods Arthopod means jointed legs They have bodies that is divided into separate parts. Lobsters use gills to get oxygen Grasshoppers have tubes that carry air through their bodies Spiders with book lungs
Ch.1 l.4
moss Mosses didn’t have vascular, seeds, and plants They grow on shallow steams or trees Single moss is small and has tiny leaf
Ferns They have Vascular Vascular plants can grow larger than nonvascular plants Moses and Ferns both use spores to reproduce
Conifers They have Vascular and seeds They reproduce by using Corns and seeds Conifer phylum includes pines, firs and spruce
Flowering plants They have Vascular , seeds and flowers All flowering plants are Vascular About 230,000 spscies of flowering plants have been identified
Cells Chapter 2 L.1
Cell Information Smallest part of body that carries out the life activity
Function of cells Cells take in foods and get rid of energy They use materials in food to grow and to repair wounds Cells need energy Cellular respiration is to taking Oxygen and food, such as sugar in order to get this process carbon dioxide and water are made.
Parts of cells Cells made of a Cell membrane, a nucleus and many other structures.