Acknowledgements This study was performed with financial support of European Social Fund co-financed project 2009/0218/1DP/


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Acknowledgements This study was performed with financial support of European Social Fund co-financed project 2009/0218/1DP/ /09/APIA/VIAA/099. Acknowledgements This study was performed with financial support of European Social Fund co-financed project 2009/0218/1DP/ /09/APIA/VIAA/099. Content of lunasin in grain of different cereal species R. Muceniece 1, I.Kirhnere 3, I.Nakurte 2, A.Kronberga 3, A.Kokare 3, V.Strazdina 4, Z.Vicupe 4, M.Bleidere 4, L.Legzdina 3 1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Latvia 2 Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia 3 State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute, Latvia 4 State Stende Cereals Breeding Institute, Latvia Introduction Lunasin is a novel, cancer-preventive, anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-reducing 43-amino-acid peptide that was originally isolated from soy and is also found in barley, rye and wheat. Obtained bioavailability and thermostability of lunasin after oral administration indicate the reasons for recommending the inclusion of lunasin-containing products in the human diet. Purpose of this study was to compare content of lunasin in different cereal species as well as to evaluate lunasin level in barley grown in organic and conventional farming systems. Additionally, we searched for new lunasin-containing cereals. Introduction Lunasin is a novel, cancer-preventive, anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-reducing 43-amino-acid peptide that was originally isolated from soy and is also found in barley, rye and wheat. Obtained bioavailability and thermostability of lunasin after oral administration indicate the reasons for recommending the inclusion of lunasin-containing products in the human diet. Purpose of this study was to compare content of lunasin in different cereal species as well as to evaluate lunasin level in barley grown in organic and conventional farming systems. Additionally, we searched for new lunasin-containing cereals. Material and Methods Lunasin was detected using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and mass spectrometry tandem analysis. Sample preparations involved extraction of the lunasin with a protease inhibitors, liquid-liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction procedure Grain yield harvested in 2010 was used for analysis Oat (Avena sativa L): hulled oat varieties ‘Laima’, ‘Arta’, ‘Stendes Liva’ (bred in Latvia), ‘Ivory’ (Germany) and naked breeding line ‘S-156’ (Latvia) Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): Latvian varieties (Rubiola, Abava, Idumeja, Rasa, Irbe), foreign varieties (Anni, Dziugiai, Primus, Annabell, Vienna) and breeding lines Winter rye (Secale cereale): Polish varieties ‘Gradan’ F1, ‘Walet’, ‘Amilo’, ‘Dankowki Diament’ and ‘Kaupo’ (Latvia) Winter triticale (X Triticosecale Witt.): Polish variety ‘Dinaro’, line SGU 10/94 (Czech Republic), and four breeding lines selected in State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute (Latvia ) Material and Methods Lunasin was detected using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry and mass spectrometry tandem analysis. Sample preparations involved extraction of the lunasin with a protease inhibitors, liquid-liquid extraction and solid-phase extraction procedure Grain yield harvested in 2010 was used for analysis Oat (Avena sativa L): hulled oat varieties ‘Laima’, ‘Arta’, ‘Stendes Liva’ (bred in Latvia), ‘Ivory’ (Germany) and naked breeding line ‘S-156’ (Latvia) Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.): Latvian varieties (Rubiola, Abava, Idumeja, Rasa, Irbe), foreign varieties (Anni, Dziugiai, Primus, Annabell, Vienna) and breeding lines Winter rye (Secale cereale): Polish varieties ‘Gradan’ F1, ‘Walet’, ‘Amilo’, ‘Dankowki Diament’ and ‘Kaupo’ (Latvia) Winter triticale (X Triticosecale Witt.): Polish variety ‘Dinaro’, line SGU 10/94 (Czech Republic), and four breeding lines selected in State Priekuli Plant Breeding Institute (Latvia ) Results Triticale was the most lunasin-rich cereal, displaying the lunasin content from 0.42 to 6.46 mg g -1 of grain (breeding lines and , respectively). The highest lunasin content found in rye was 1.51 mg g -1 in variety ‘Dankovske Diament‘, and in winter wheat mg g - 1 (variety ‘Fredis‘). Oat variety ‘Ivory’ contained the highest lunasin level of tested oat genotypes (0.197 mg g -1 ). Measuring the lunasin content in organically and conventionally grown spring barley, we observed the average level and range – mg g -1. The highest lunasin content was found in variety ‘Rubiola’ under organic growing conditions (0.169 mg g -1 ), but the highest average level under both growing systems was in breeding line PR (0.14 mg g -1 ). The effect of genotype and growing environment was significant (p<0.01). Results Triticale was the most lunasin-rich cereal, displaying the lunasin content from 0.42 to 6.46 mg g -1 of grain (breeding lines and , respectively). The highest lunasin content found in rye was 1.51 mg g -1 in variety ‘Dankovske Diament‘, and in winter wheat mg g - 1 (variety ‘Fredis‘). Oat variety ‘Ivory’ contained the highest lunasin level of tested oat genotypes (0.197 mg g -1 ). Measuring the lunasin content in organically and conventionally grown spring barley, we observed the average level and range – mg g -1. The highest lunasin content was found in variety ‘Rubiola’ under organic growing conditions (0.169 mg g -1 ), but the highest average level under both growing systems was in breeding line PR (0.14 mg g -1 ). The effect of genotype and growing environment was significant (p<0.01)... Table. Material used for testing Figure. Min, max and average values of lunasin content in cereal grain. Conclusion We report first data of lunasin content in cereal genotypes grown in Northern Europe; previously published data on lunasin in cereals were obtained in genotypes grown in Korea We report the first discovery of lunasin in triticale and oats The detection of lunasin complements a list of bioactive compounds present in the cereals and strengthens recommendations to use their products as functional foods. Conclusion We report first data of lunasin content in cereal genotypes grown in Northern Europe; previously published data on lunasin in cereals were obtained in genotypes grown in Korea We report the first discovery of lunasin in triticale and oats The detection of lunasin complements a list of bioactive compounds present in the cereals and strengthens recommendations to use their products as functional foods.