Monitoring of Seed Production Program State Seed Production Committee (SSPC) notified under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary Agriculture. Director DWR Karnal, Director CSSRI Karnal, Director of Research, CCSHAU Hisar, DG Agriculture/Horticulture, Director, HSSCA and Seed Producing agencies like HSDC, HLRDC, NSC & HAFED etc. are the members of the committee. SSPC meets well before sowing of Kharif & Rabi crops to finalise the seed production program after thorough discussion with all stake holders. Sale of seeds and Seed Replacement Rate of various crops is also reviewed by the committee. Seed production targets of some specific crops are some times allotted by the Committee to any seed producing agencies to improve Seed Replacement Rate of that crop in the State.
SEED REPLACEMENT RATE (SRR%) OF VARIOUS CROPS DURING 2013-14 RABI CROPS Crop Area (‘000’ hect.) Seed Sold (qtl.) SRR% 2011-12 2012-13 Wheat 2522 1301030 52.06 47.39 51.89 Barley 39 27300 93.33 84.55 76.08 Gram 83 7615 22.93 26.32 41.49 Mustard 537 22349 <100 101.45 92.67 KHARIF CROPS Paddy 1228 46412 25.20 25.19 25.01 Bajra 404 16260 80.50 89.04 79.37 Cotton 564 28 lac pkt <95.00 95.00 93.00
SEED PLAN FOR KHARIF CROPS Crop Area in lakh ha. SRR % (2014-15) Seed Plan (in quintals) 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Paddy Var. Paddy Hy. Total 10.00 1.58 11.58 10.11 1.65 11.76 10.21 1.74 11.95 25 100 38448 11552 50000 40000 13432 53432 42000 14000 56000 Maize Hyb. 0.13 0.19 0.24 2600 3800 4800 Jowar Var. 0.68 0.73 0.80 50 8500 9100 10000 Bajra Hyb. 5.56 5.61 5.67 27800 28100 29300 Bajra Var. 0.26 0.28 0.31 75 975 1050 1162 Arhar 0.16 0.17 40 1600 1700 1900 Urad/Moth 0.05 0.06 35 437 525 Moong 80 5200 5800 6500 Guar 3.15 3.21 3.28 31500 32100 32800 Sunflower Hyb. 0.11 0.12 2750 3000 Cotton Hyb. 5.96 6.02 6.08 6000 Cotton Var. 85 1760 2040 G.Total 28.00 28.53 29.12 Focus on increased seed production of Basmati & hybrid Paddy Varieties. Short duration newly released varieties of Paddy included in seed production program.
Requirement and availability of certified seed during Rabi 2014-15 Requirement and availability of certified seed during Rabi 2014-15 (Qty. in qtls.) Crop Requirement Availability Last Rabi Sale HSDC NSC HAFED/ Kribhco /IFFDC Private Total Wheat 1338580 188950 66000 90295 1180700 1525945 1301030 Barley 30000 5638 1940 2188 21784 31550 29558 Gram 9200 2378 646 78 7000 10102 7615 Mustard 22000 2584 242 90 21708 24624 21716 Lentil 300 32 - 280 312 284 Toria 600 35 700 735 633 1400680 199617 68828 92651 1232172 1593268 1360836
SEED PLAN FOR RABI CROPS Crop Area in lakh ha. SRR% (2014-15) Seed Plan (in qtl.) 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 Wheat 25.20 25.35 25.50 53 1386000 1419600 1479000 Barley 0.50 77 28875 31000 34000 Gram 1.45 1.50 1.55 25 16300 17800 19500 Mustard 6.00 95 28000 28500 30000 G.Total 33.15 33.35 33.55 1459175 1496900 1562500 Seed Production of wheat varieties HD-2967, WH-1105, PBW-550 & DPW-621-50 increased. Newly released variety HD-3059, WH-1124, DBW-88 and HD-3043 included in the Seed Production Program. Emphasis will be laid only on those wheat varieties which are not older than 10 years. Seed Production Program of Gram increased considerably.
Suggestions The State Governments need to work in close collaboration with the Agriculture Universities for the development of Agro-climatic zones specific varieties/hybrids and get these varieties incorporated time to time in their Seed Rolling Plan as per the demands of the farmers. It is the responsibility of the State Governments to popularize and introduce new varieties developed by ICAR/ SAUs system. Those varieties/hybrids which are old , not performing well & getting susceptible to diseases /pests should be got denotified and removed from the Seed Rolling Plan from time to time. Alongwith production and distribution of quality seeds, concerted action is required to be addressed the Regional Specific Constraints in Agriculture production. As in Haryana State, the Regional Specific Constraints are ground water depletion, decreasing soil carbon contents, micro-nutrient deficiency, salinity etc.. Those varieties which are performing well in these constraints should be introduced in the Plan.
Contd…. The private seed industry has an important role to play in the production and supply of quality seed. Therefore, there is a need for synergy between the public and the private sector. The Seed Rolling Plan must have those hybrids which are developed by private sector and are performing well among the farmers of the state. The private sector is required to be involved in the overall National objective of providing quality seeds including those of high volume low value crops to the farmers at affordable prices. Trilateral Agreements between Seed Industry, State Agriculture Universities and State Seed Corporation for development, production and distribution of seeds of new varieties. Central Government funding will be performance-friendly. Better performing states needs to be supported. The main focus of preparing a Seed Rolling Plan is to build a viable seed production system that would bring qualitative change to the country’s seed sector.
Thank You