Agriculture Uttarakhand Agriculture Uttarakhand Planning strategies to enhance wheat and barley production in north-western region of the country
Land Use
Percentage Distribution of Land Holdings in Uttarakhand As per agriculture census there are 9,21,554 holdings and area of holdings is 8,47,012 ha. Percentage distribution of holdings is as follows:- Avg. Size-ha. Social Group/ Category HillPlainTotal No.(%)Area(%)Avg. SizeNo.(%)Area(%)Avg. SizeNo.(%)Area(%)Avg. Size SC Small & Marginal Others Total ST Small & Marginal Others Total Others Small & Marginal Others Total All Social Groups Small & Marginal Others Total
Cropping Pattern of Rabi
Area, Production and Productivity of Wheat & Barley in Uttarakhand (Hill) S. No.Year WheatBarley AreaProductionYieldAreaProductionYield * * * Target Area: ha.; Production: MT ; Yield: (Qtl./ha.) * Provisional Data Achieved yield (Qtl/Ha.)
Area, Production and Productivity of Wheat & Barley in Uttarakhand (Plain) S. No.Year WheatBarley AreaProductionYieldAreaProductionYield * * * Target Area: ha.; Production: MT ; Yield: (Qtl./ha.) * Provisional Data
Area, Production and Productivity of Wheat & Barley in Uttarakhand S. No.Year WheatBarley AreaProductionYieldAreaProductionYield * * * Target Area: ha.; Production: MT ; Yield: (Qtl./ha.) * Provisional Data
UTTARAKHAND STATE Varieties for Tarai, Bhawar & Plains Agro climatic condition Wheat varietiesBarley varieties Timely sown, irrigatedUP 2554, DBW17, PBW550, PBW343, PBW502, UP2338, UP2382, UP2628, RD2552, RD2035, PL426, RD2592, BH393, RD2508, DL88 Timely sown, rain fedPBW 396, PBW175, PBW65, PBW299, PBW527 RD2508, RD2624, RD2660, PL419 Late sown, irrigatedRAJ 3765, PBW 373, WH1021, DBW16, UP2425, UP2338, RAJ3077
Varieties for Hill areas Agro climatic condition Wheat varietiesBarley varieties Timely sown, irrigatedVL804, VL802, VL738, HS240 Timely sown, rain fedHS365, VL832, VL829, HPW 251, TL 2942(TRITICALE) VLB 85 HBL 276, BHS352, VLB 56 Late sown, irrigatedVL 892, HS420, HS 295
Seed Replacement Rate 10 Wheat Year 2007&082008&092009&10 Hill Plain Total
Strategies for Wheat Production Bridge up of yield gap. KCC distribution at Nyaya Panchayat Level during Krishak Mahotsava. To increase the SRR in Hill areas. Basal dressing of NPK & Top dressing of Urea in Rainfed Hill areas. Use of Micro-nutrients & weedicides.