Indian is an agricultural country. Most of her people are farmers. They produce generally three classes of crops, such as food- crops, commercial crops and oil-seeds.
T he main food-crops of India are Rice, wheat, barley, maize and pulses. They are called cereals.
Rice is the staple food of many of the Indians. Rice is obtained from paddy. Paddy is grown in Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu, Bihar, Bengal, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Assam and Maharastra.
Wheat is the staple food of north Indians. It is a winter crop. It is much more nutritious than rice itself. It grows mainly in Uttar Pradesh and Punjab.
Barley is a subsidiary food for the wheat-eaters. It is also diet for the patients. It is grown mainly in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
Maize is a subsidiary food for the wheat-eaters. It is grown mainly in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
Pulses are full of vegetable protein. The vegetarian people get protein from the pulses only. Pulses are known as gram too. Hence, we say green gram, black-gram, horse-gram, so on. Lentil is also a kind of pulses. Pulses are grown all over India.
The main commercial crops of India are cotton, jute, hemp, tea, coffee and tobacco. Cotton, jute and hemp are known as fibrous crops. Because they are full of fibres.
Jute is used to making sacks and gunny bags. It grows mainly in Bengal.
Hemp is used in making ropes and canvas. It grows mainly in Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharastra and Bengal.
India is the largest tea-growing country in the world. Tea needs a heavy rainfall and slopy ground. Hence, it grows mainly in Assam. Some tea is grown in the Nilagiri hills in the south.
coffee is grown mainly Mysore, Chenai and Kerala.
Sugar-cane is also a cash crop. It is grown mainly in U.P. And Bihar.
India ranks third in the production of tobacco. Tobacco is grown mainly in Andhra Pradesh,Maharastra, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Orissa, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Punjab.
The main oil-seeds grown in India are linseed castor, ground-nut, mustard and til or sesamum. We also get oil from cotton-seeds and cocoanuts. Oil used as the medium of cocking. The oil from cocoanut is also used in making toilet soaps.
Since independence, India has been passing through the plan-periods. She is making long strides in production crops through we do not feel it owing to increase in birth rate.