3.4.5 Define Genetic screening Testing individuals for the presence or absence of a gene Discuss 3 advantages and/or disadvantages of Genetic screening 1.Advantages: 1.Plan for the future 2.Perhaps end the pregnancy 3.Find a cure? 1.Disadvantages: 1.Discrimination (insurance, jobs, etc...) 2.Invasion of privacy 3.Stigmatizes individual Today is the last day to retake or take the genetics test…
Oats and Beans and Barley: Get Caught in the Gel!
Electrophoresis: Reading the Gel What we’ve done: 1.Taken cut up DNA (from plasmid and barley), stained it, and put them in the gels. 2.Ran electricity through the gel – you can see the dye line at the bottom of the gel. 3.Stained the gel, then rinsed it out.
Electrophoresis: Reading the Gel What’s left to do: 1.Figure out how far the fragments went. 2.Compare the distances between the fragments and DNA types. 3.Figure out how big the fragments are, using our ladder. LADDERUnknown 3Unknown 2Unknown 1
Electrophoresis: Reading the Gel Let’s start comparing… 1.On the worksheet: write down what you have learned about electrophoresis. 2.Find a gel and look at the DNA lanes. 3.Measure, in mm, how far the fragments (each line) traveled from the well and record this.
Group 4 project Just a lab that you do on your own. Groups can be big big big, but the write-ups need to be individual. You can do anything that is biological, just make sure that you have GRAPHABLE Data and a control (or control all of the variables.) Ideas: sledding and heart rate, pool water and ?, plant growth experiments –grass and clover competition or fertilizers or soils or?, NO Drugs! No Dangerous Activities! This includes smoking, caffeine, car-drag-racing, explosions, loud ear-damaging noises.
3.4.7 – State that the Human Genome Project is an international cooperative venture established to sequence the complete human genome. Genome: the total genetic material of an organelle, cell or organism – Describe two possible advantageous outcomes of this project. Advantages include: Understanding many of genetic diseases, leading towards production of genetically-based pharmaceuticals. Determine screening methods for certain genetic diseases (this could be abused by insurance companies or potential employers). Notes for
Electrophoresis: Getting the Size Right If we already know the sizes of one group, we can find the others. Size is inversely related to the log 10 of the distance traveled. (The farther it goes the smaller the size.) Since we know our ladder sizes, we can find our unknown sizes. Distance Length (log 10 bp)
Electrophoresis: Getting the Size Right Find the distances of our unknown DNA fragment pieces and put them on the graph. Estimate the size of the fragments based on our ladder smooth line. Do this for the plasmid and barley. How do they compare? What about each organism? Distance Length (log 10 bp)