Crop Residue Yield Variability in North Central Region Rajesh Chintala
Determine the variability in crop residue yields (response variable) of North Central Region Study the spatial patterns and variability of climatic, soil and topographic factors (explanatory variables) over a period of time and derive the empirical relationships with residue yield variability Assess the supply of collectable crop residues after meeting the sustainability OBJECTIVES
Study area : North Central Region Residue production: USDA – NASS data Spatial averages of climatic and soil variables: climatic parameters - precipitation, air temperature soil variables – SOM, SWC, slope, soil depth, permeability, texture, pH, CEC Available crop residue – using parameters like SCI METHODS
STATECROPS ILWheat, corn, oats, sorghum INWheat, corn IAWheat, corn, oats MNWheat, corn, oats, barley MTWheat, corn, barley NEWheat, corn, oats, sorghum NDWheat, corn, oats, barely SDWheat, corn, oats, barely WIWheat, corn, oats, barely WYCorn, barley
Spatial and temporal patterns of crop residue stability, variability and dependability Predictive modeling utilizing the derived empirical relationships Helps to determine the sustainable supply of crop residue quantity and its spatial patterns over north central region IA - Dry tons = * corn acres – 1.04* oat acres – 16.3* wheat acres IN - Dry tons = * corn acres * wheat acres SD - Dry tons = * wheat acres – 0.72* oat acres * corn acres *barley MT - Dry tons = *barley acres – 0.80* wheat acres * corn acres WY - Dry tons = * barley acres * corn acres EXPECTED OUTCOME
FEEDSTOCK YIELD DATA COLLECTION & COMPILATION Grain yield data from till now Millets – corn, sorghum small grains – wheat, barlely, oats oil seeds - sunflower, canola, safflower, and camelina legume – soybean grasses – switchgrass, alfafalfa NE, SD, WY, MT, MN, IA, ND Published research articles, websites, annual reports of research centers, and yield trails conducted by universities