Structural and chemistry analysis of native and malted barley endosperm by polarized Raman spectroscopy (PRS) Leonardo Galvis, Carlo Bertinetto, and Tapani Vuorinen Coimbra: 8-9 May 2014
Polarized Raman Spectroscopy (PRS) Vibrational spectroscopy technique for Chemical and Physical analysis of materials (0.6-1μm resol., non-destructive) Raman mean spectra of a starch granule (native barley) of an area depicted as blue square on the starch granule sketch.
ferulic acid non-starch carbohydrates native malted starchprotein Raman images of compounds present in the interface aleurone layer-endosperm in barley seed (Multivariate analysis).
A) Optical microscopy image of the endosperm in native barley. B) Raman image of the area band ratio 865cm -1 /485 cm -1 at 0 o polarization angle of the laser. C) Raman image of the area ratio of bands 865 cm - 1 /485cm -1 at 90 o polarization angle of the laser. Polarization measurements in starch granules
A) AFM image in topography mode of a sectioned starch granule with ellipsoidal shape found in native barley endosperm. (B) Experimental and fitted anysotropic response of the band ratio 865cm-1/485cm-1 on the areas marked as (1), (2) and (3) respectively in the same starch granule. A) B) Anysotropic response of glycosidic band (865 cm-1)