Alba Serrano Jéssica Ávila Aleix Martí
Objective Hypothesis Bread an essential food Introduction HISTORY OF BREAD STADISTICS
Learn about history of bread Compare exports and consume in Stadistic part Giovanni Giacometti
Through history, Europe has been the most consumer and exporter of bread. And contrast this hypothesis.
Is a staple food cooking a dough of: flour + water +additional ingredients (often) Common bread’s base: WHEAT Salt, water, flour, yeast Four steps to bake bread Massa (dough) llevat (yeast)
The usual bread we knowwheat Always produced and consumed (Europe and North America) We only are going to work with this type of Bread
PREHISTORY 30,000 years ago (unleaved bread) Cereals and bread Staple food in Neolithic. Wheat in diet (nomad- sedentary) Central Asia Fermentation
ANCIENT EGYPT Nile floods(wheat) Harvest calendar Became a salary Upper clases(wheat bread) Lower clases (barley bread) Refinement of flour uncommon Ajet Peret Shemu Collita harvest
Archeological evidences
Basic aliment too. (wheat/ barley) Diversity of breads ANCIENT GREECE Egyptians way Baked dough loaves at home: Clay oven Dame-shaped cover
Different types of bread:(boletus, streptice) Importance of bread in Greeks life and diet Religion breads: (Christopomo, Vasilopita,Tsoureki)
XVIII or XVII b.C Stone ovens Wheat grain Bakeries and bakers “You are what you eat” ROMAN EMPIRE
Bread, meat, and fish Kneaded at home-public ovens Baker profession Wood oven Manchet/ rye,barley bread MIDDLE AGES
scientific advances (new forms bread) When Population the production too. 1924” Ward Baking Company Bread” Herbicides, fungicides Consume since s.XIX MODERN ERA
Hypothesis Europe and North America 1961,1978, 2008
consumeexports canada U.S.A North America consumeexports Germany switzerland 1658 trinidad and tobago 522 finland 379 Netherlands Italy Denmark Belgium- Luxembourg 1014 Sweden Norway Europe
consumeexports Canada U.S.A North America Consumeexports. Germany Netherlands Sweden Belgium- Luxembourg Italy Denmark United Kingdom France Norway Europe consume exports
Consume export Germany 76913, ,00 Austria 30263, ,00 Belgium 86474, ,00 Denmark 40743, ,00 Spain 35916, ,00 Russian federation 16517, ,00 Finland 15502, ,00 France 91603, ,00 Italy 49701, ,00 Netherlands 89008, ,00 Portugal 18983, ,00 United kingdom , ,00 Sweeden 43381, ,00 Europe , ,00 Consumeexport United States of America , ,00 Canada , ,00 North America , ,00
Pearson coeficient: 0,
Pearson Coeficient: 0,8812
Pearson Coeficient: 0,
True hypothesis Difficulties
HISTORY m m history%20of%20bread.htm history%20of%20bread.htm d d STADISTICS
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