Survival Plants: Which are edible and which are harmful Plants You Can Eat And Which ones will make you sick!!!!! Some Can Keep You Alive And Some Will Kill You!!!!!!!!!
Categories Of Harmful Plants And Some Examples Autumn CrocusPoinsettiaYew Black LocustRhubarb CastorbeanStar of Bethlehem Lily of the ValleyWater Hemlock Beggar TicksSquirrel Tail Barley Prickly Pear Tearthumb Black Nightshade Jerusalem Cherry Climbing Nightshade Jimsonweed Ground Cherry Potato Fruit Horsenettle Giant RagweedPokeweed Jack-in-the-PulpitRagweed Poison IvyStinging Nettle Poison Sumac
What plants you can eat in the woods to survive Black Mulberry Black Walnut Cattails Dandelion Hickory Tree MayApple Pecans Sassafras Solomon's Sea Wild Garlic Wild Onion Wild Strawberry List of plants that are edible
Information about different types of Irritants Beggar Ticks o Beggar Ticks have barbs on them that attach a seed to the socks and trousers and irritate the skin of people who walk threw them. o They are found in wet areas. o Have 1 flower [3/4-1”] and 1-2 leaves [1½ in. long]. Irritants Prickly pear o It is a cactus. o Found in north Americas deserts. o They have yellow flowers and flat fleshy pads that look like leaves. Squirrel Tail Barley o Also, known as foxtail barley o They have downward pointing barbs which lacerate the skin. o They are especially harmful to animals because they get in the animals mouths and cause an infection. Beggar Ticks Prickly Pear Squirrel Tail Barley
Poisonous Nightshades Information about Poisonous Nightshades Black Nightshade o It is very poisonous. o It looks like a weed with little black berries on it. o You can find it in fields of crops and in damp and shady places. o Is around a foot tall. Jerusalem Cherry o This is a regular plant that people grow on their porches and in their houses. o It is lowly toxic but you should still keep them away from children and pets. o It looks like a little tree and the “cherries” look like cherry tomatoes. Potato Fruit o It is a above ground fruit and if it’s green it is toxic, of course you should not eat it. o Also, regular potatoes can turn green like this and when they do you have to cook them to remove the toxins before you eat it. Potato Fruit Jerusalem Cherry Black Nightshade
Poisonous Ornamentals Information About Poisonous Ornamentals Black Locust o The seeds on the tree can poison you if you eat them. o Even If you just put the broken twig to your mouth if you had a cut it could cause server problems. o It is a huge tree that can get up to 80 ft. tall, but the leaves are only about ½ of an in. Castorbean o It is grow for it’s large leaves, flowers, and fruit. o The plant alone is not toxic however if you eat only one little seed it can kill you. o You should keep away from children and pets. o It is a medium bush like plant with red flowers. Water Hemlock o It is found in wet areas. o If you eat the root you will die but first you will experience excruciating pain. o The root is like a swollen chamber and if it is cut open it will release a yellow exudate. Black Locust Castorbean Water hemlock
Miscellaneous Harmful Plants Information About Miscellaneous Harmful Plants Poison Ivy o It has been here for hundreds of years. o Each individual stem has 3 leaves. o All parts of the plant are poisonous at any time. o Makes you extremely itchy and gives you a rash. Ragweed o It is one of the biggest causes of alurgeic reactions to pollen. o It releases large amounts of pollen. o It cause “Hay fever”. Stinging Nettle o Grows in wet areas. o Causes itchy skin and a rash. o It’s like poison ivy but it goes away after 24 hrs. Ragweed Poison Ivy Stinging Nettle