2006 Small Grain Silage Performance Trial
Objective A lot of small grain silage grown in the Valley Not much information on variety performance Looked at barley and wheat varieties for silage performance
Site Information Hosted by Dale Beery and Family Planted: October 19, 2005 Pesticide: 1 qt glyphosate October 21 f.b. 0.6 oz Harmony Extra February 10, 2006 Fertilizer: 50 lb N February 10 f.b. 50 lb N March 28 Plots: seven rows (7” wide) by 20’ long Harvested: May 16 th, 2006 –Barley: Soft Dough (GS 85) –Wheat: Boot (GS 45)
Growing Season Warmer January Cooler May Dry spring Wetter than average fall SUMMARY: Excellent Small Grain Growing Season!!
The Test: Seven wheat cultivars: –Coker 9553 –Featherstone 176 –SS MPV 57 –Tribute –V 9412 * *experimental line
The Test: Five barley cultivars: –Nomini –Price –Thoroughbred –Doyce –VA01H-68* *experimental line
The Test: Five barley cultivars: –Nomini –Price –Thoroughbred –Doyce –VA01H-68* *experimental line Hulless Cultivars Grain yields sometimes lower than hulled cultivars Removing hull = –Higher CP (comparable to wheat) –Lower fiber (comparable to corn) –Higher energy (comparable to corn)
Barley Silage Results -No significant difference in ADF, NDF or TDN between cultivars -Thoroughbred tended to yield more, but not significant
Barley Silage Results -No significant difference in yields, fiber or TDN between cultivars -Both Doyce (hulless) and Nomini (hulled) tended to be lower in CP
Wheat Silage Results -No significant differences in any of the measured areas between cultivars
Small Grain Silage Test Summary Bottom Line: –Not much difference in performance between cultivars –Not much difference in yield between cultivars –More important to manage harvest timing properly to maximize feed value
Thanks Any Questions?