PAG 2015 Justin Preece Jaiswal Lab, Oregon State University 13 January 2015
PAG 2015 Plant Reactome Overview Pathway Curation Orthology Projections New software platform
PAG 2015 Plant Reactome: Overview What is Plant Reactome? Curated metabolic & regulatory pathways in rice and Arabidopsis Orthology projections to 33 other plant species, including maize and several other Oryza species Gene expression overlays, visual species comparisons, other analysis tools (ongoing development)
PAG 2015 Reactome data model Depicts biological processes as a set of connected reactions and events It can represent many events and states in biological processes In addition to classical biochemical reactions, changes in state, such as binding, activation, translocation and degradation can be represented Reactions are connected to form pathways Plant Reactome: Overview
PAG 2015 Plant Reactome: Overview
PAG 2015 Plant Reactome: Overview
PAG 2015 Plant Reactome: Overview Pathway Browser Quick Search Release News Downloads Projection Stats
PAG 2015 Plant Reactome: Overview Pathway browser
PAG 2015 Plant Reactome: Overview Search capabilities
PAG 2015 Additional search features and downloads Plant Reactome: Overview
PAG 2015 Orthology Projections
PAG 2015 Orthology Projections Projections from O.sativa to 33 species using Reactome “orthology inference” software Data sources :: Methods Ensembl Gramene – 27 species (monocots and dicots) :: Compara Published leaf tissue transcriptomes – 6 add’l Oryza taxa :: InParanoid clustering Prepared orthology mapping files using custom Python script “Incomparanoid”
PAG 2015 Orthology projections Homologs of taxa listed in green are generated via Inparanoid clustering. * Data from sequenced transcriptome Relative projection “saturation”: Blue is highest, red lowest, with yellow marking the intermediate. ^Projections currently exclude cell-cycle pathways SpeciesPathwaysReactionsGene Products Oryza sativa japonica Nipponbare (curated reference) 238^ Arabidopsis thaliana Brassica rapa Glycine max (soybean) Medicago truncatula Populus trichocarpa Prunus persica (peach) Solanum lycopersicum (tomato) Solanum tuberosum (potato) Triticum aestivum (wheat ABD-genome hexaploid) Triticum urartu (wheat A-genome) Aegilops tauschii (wheat D-genome) Hordeum vulgare (barley) Setaria italica (foxtail millet) Brachypodium distachyon Oryza rufipogon Oryza nivara Oryza sativa Indica (93-11) Oryza sativa aus Kasalath Oryza glumaepatula Oryza barthii Oryza glaberrima Oryza longistaminata * Oryza meridionalis Oryza punctata Oryza minuta * Oryza officinalis * Oryza australiensis * Oryza granulata * Oryza brachyantha Leersia perrieri Sorghum bicolor Zea mays Musa acuminata (banana)
PAG 2015 GA12 Biosynthesis: Preliminary comparative view Os japonica Os indica O. rufipogon O. nivara A. thaliana Orthology Projections
PAG 2015 Ethylene Biosynthesis and Signaling: Comparative view Os japonica Os indica O. rufipogon O. nivara O. australiensis Orthology Projections The latest Reactome software allows us to make these interspecies comparisons directly in the pathway browser.
PAG 2015 Pathway Curation
PAG 2015 Ongoing rice curation Currently >200 curated rice pathways Notable signaling pathways in recent releases: Auxin signaling Brassinosteroid signaling
PAG 2015 Arabidopsis curation Converted AraCyc 11 data was merged into Reactome’s main curation database Arabidopsis curation began in March 2014 Curation, beyond describing pathways not found in other databases, focuses on updating pathway data to reflect most recent literature To date, ~70 curated pathways in the central database (…and counting)
PAG 2015 Arabidopsis curation Xylan biosynthesis Arginine biosynthesis I Ethylene biosynthesis
PAG 2015 The New Reactome Platform
PAG 2015 New Reactome platform Adapting the new “Reactome 3” platform for the Plant Reactome… Pathway Browser
PAG 2015 New Reactome platform EBI-ATLAS baseline expression data
PAG 2015 New Reactome platform Public API (JSON, XML)
PAG 2015 New Reactome platform Analysis Tools: Upload data and analyze
PAG 2015 New Reactome platform Analysis Tools: O.sativa diurnal expression (time course)
PAG 2015 New Reactome platform Analysis Tools: Metabolomics data, too…
PAG 2015 New Reactome platform Species comparison: O. sativa to Z.mays
PAG 2015 Upcoming Gramene Webinar Other Upcoming Gramene Webinars 2 pm EST DateTopic February 10, 2015Overview of the Genome browser March 3, 2015Genome browser: Identify gene trees & homologs April 7, TBD*Rice resources in Gramene April 28, 2015Maize resources in Gramene May 19, 2015Genome browser: Upload and display your own data June 9, 2015Expression data analysis on plant Cyc pathways * Night time in the US to accommodate users from Asia, Australia, etc. January Webinar Gramene: Plant Reactome Justin Preece Tuesday, January 27, :00 – 2:30 pm EST
PAG 2015 Many thanks to… Oregon State University Vindhya Amarasinghe (Curation) Sushma Naithani (Curation and outreach) Justin Elser (Inparanoid pipeline) Pankaj Jaiswal (Co-PI) Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Kapeel Chougule (Search integration) Andrew Olson (Search integration) NYU Langone Medical Center Peter D’Eustachio (Curation mentor) Ontario Institute for Cancer Research Robin Haw (Server provision) Joel Weiser Sheldon McKay Guanming Wu Lincoln Stein (Reactome PI) European Bioinformatics Institute Antonio Fabregat Mundo Robert Petraszak (ATLAS integration) Henning Hermjakob (Reactome, IntAct PI) Former Staff Palitha Dharmawardhana (Ciuffetti Lab, OSU) David Croft (EBI) Ken Youens-Clark (Hurwitz Lab, U of Ariz.) Hardeep Nahal (OICR) Dylan Beorchia (OSU student curator) Kindra Amoss (OSU student curator)