Alive-O 6 Term 1: Lesson 8 God Sent the Holy Spirit to Nourish Us
The Day of Pentecost Like Peter, the other apostles and followers of Jesus also felt lost when he went back to the Father. They thought they were on their own now.
Together with Mary and some of the women, they stayed in a room and locked the door.
While they were there, wondering what to do next, they suddenly heard a sound, like a powerful wind, filling the room.
At first they were terrified. Then they saw what looked like a fire, separating out into flames, which came to rest on the head of each of them.
But, strangely, they began to lose their fear. They became strong and courageous and confident. They were filled with the Holy Spirit.
Chatting Teacher’s Manual, page 108
Bible Search Acts 2:1-4