PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: MATURATION AND GROWTH A.Birth to Two Years 1.Birth 2.Neonatal Period 3.Each Month 4.Fourth Month 5.Twelve Months 6.Between 1-2 Years 7.Two Years Old
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: MATURATION AND GROWTH A.Birth to Two Years B.Two to Six Years 1. Slimmer 2. Proportions
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: MATURATION AND GROWTH A.Birth to Two Years B.Two to Six Years C. Seven to 11 Years 1. Slimmer 2. Muscles 3. Lungs
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: MATURATION AND GROWTH A.Birth to Two Years B.Two to Six Years C.Seven to 11 Years D.Puberty 1. Growth & Weight Gain 2. Gonads/Sex Glands 3. Secondary Sex Characteristics 4. Body Composition 5. Circulation and Respiration
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: MOTOR DEVELOPMENT A. Birth to Two Years 1.Newborn 2.Five Months 3.Nine Months 4.Twelve Months
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: MOTOR DEVELOPMENT A.Birth to Two Years B.Sources of Variation 1.Environmental Influences 2.Inherited Factors
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: MOTOR DEVELOPMENT A.Birth to Two Years B.Sources of Variation C.Two to Six Years 1.Speed 2.Coordination 3.Gross Motor Development
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: MOTOR DEVELOPMENT A.Birth to Two Years B.Sources of Variation C.Two to Six Years 1.Speed 2.Coordination 3.Gross Motor Development 4.Fine Motor Development
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: MOTOR DEVELOPMENT A.Birth to Two Years B.Sources of Variation C.Two to Six Years D.Seven to Eleven Years 1. Motor Skills 2. Reaction Time
DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN: Neural Development and Plasticity Brain Growth Spurt– Period between the seventh prenatal month and 2 years of age when more than half of the child’s eventual brain weight is added. Brain Growth Spurt Begins Here
DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN: Neural Development and Plasticity Some Basic Definitions: Synapse – the connective space (juncture) between one nerve cell (neuron) and another.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN: Neural Development and Plasticity Some Basic Definitions: Synapse – the connective space (juncture) between one nerve cell (neuron) and another. Neurons – nerve cells that receive and transmit neural impulses
DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN: Neural Development and Plasticity Some Basic Definitions: Synapse – the connective space (juncture) between one nerve cell (neuron) and another. Neurons – nerve cells that receive and transmit neural impulses Glia – nerve cells that nourish neurons and encase them in insulating sheaths of myelin.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN: Neural Development and Plasticity Some Basic Definitions Cont’d: Synaptogenesis – formation of connections (synapses) among neurons. Plasticity – capacity for change; a developmental state that has the potential to be shaped by experience.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAIN: Neural Development and Plasticity Some Basic Definitions Cont’d: Synaptic pruning – surviving neurons that are stimulated less often lose their synapses.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: About Brain Development 1.Brain Stem and Midbrain– most mature at birth - consciousness - reflexes - respiration - digestion - elimination
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT: About Brain Development 2.Surrounding Midbrain are the Cerebrum & Cerebral Cortex - movement - perception - learning - language - thinking
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Earliest Maturing areas of the cerebrum are the Primary Motor & Sensory Areas Darker, dot-like areas mature first, then the lined areas, and finally the clear areas develop in adolescence
Neural Development & Plasticity Lateralization Evident from birth Increases with age Get better with age at integrating functions of each hemisphere Dyslexia
ENVIROMENTAL INFLUENCES Nutrition Problems of Under nutrition: Catch-up growth Marasmus (insufficient protein & calories) Kwashiorkor (insufficient protein, but sufficient calories) Vitamin & mineral deficiencies Iron deficiency anemia
ENVIROMENTAL INFLUENCES Nutrition Problems of OVER nutrition: Obesity Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart, liver & kidney disease Social impact
ENVIROMENTAL INFLUENCES Nutrition Illnesses Emotional Stress/Lack of Affection Nonorganic failure to thrive Deprivation dwarfism
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Puberty Adolescent Growth Spurt: the rapid increase in physical growth that marks the beginning of adolescence. Puberty: the point at which a person reaches sexual maturity and is physically capable of fathering or conceiving a child.
PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT Puberty: the point at which a person reaches sexual maturity and is physically capable of fathering or conceiving a child. Also refers to the physical changes that occur as child passes from child to adult.
CHANGES IN PUBERTY 1.Rapid growth/Weight Gain 2.Further development of gonads 3.Secondary sexual characteristics 4.Changes in muscle/fat compositions 5.Changes in circulatory & respiratory systems
WHAT CAUSES PUBERTY? All of these changes triggered by hormones No new hormones produced at puberty Increase of hormones Testosterone Estrogen Growth Hormone
Hormonal Influences on Development Hypothalamus Pituitary Gland Thyroid Adrenal Glands Growth Hormone TestesOvaries Thyroxine AndrogenTestosteroneEstrogen Early brain growth Bone growth Muscular growth Bone growth General growth of body tissues Adolescent growth spurt Male reprod. organs before birth Maturation of male organs Voice,facial & body hair, muscle dev., bone growth, broad shoulders Female reprod. Organs Breasts, hips Body hair
SEXUAL MATURATION GIRLS: Begins about age 11 (breasts) Menstruation about age 13 Fertility (at or after menstruation)
SEXUAL MATURATION BOYS: Begins about age 11 or 12 (testes enlarge) Fertility about age 14.5 or 15 VARIATIONS IN TIMING OF PUBERTY (BOYS & GIRLS) Heredity (identical twins similar timing) Environment
SEXUAL MATURATION Psychosocial Influences of Puberty Boys that mature earlier Girls that mature “on-time”
SEXUAL MATURATION Teenage Pregnancy U.S. rates = +1 million/year 50% miscarriage or abortion 2 million babies next 4 years 2X higher in U.S.
SEXUAL MATURATION Teenage Pregnancy CONSEQUENCES for Mom: Loss of education Loss of social network Lower income Lifestyle changes
SEXUAL MATURATION Teenage Pregnancy CONSEQUENCES for Baby Higher probability of: Prematurity Drug exposure Poor nutrition Less sensitive/experienced mom Intellectual deficits Emotional disturbances Economically disadvantaged