On your own paper: In a minimum of 3 sentences, explain the phrase, “You are what you eat”.
Wellness—reaching for your personal overall best level of health. Includes physical, mental, emotional and social aspects Taking positive steps to improve your current health and prevent future health problems Recognizing and accepting the responsibility you have for your health The key to wellness is accepting and managing your limits and making the most of who you are
Physical Health—normal functioning of the body systems and having enough energy for daily living, a normal growth rate, resistance to illness, and the ability to relax and sleep well Things to do for physical health:
Mental and Emotional Outlook—how you deal with daily life and how you feel about yourself. This aspect can affect your physical health, help you cope with change, handle problems & emotions, and work towards your goals
Social Well Being—People with high levels of social health: Can praise and accept others Enjoy friends of both genders Are helpful and considerate Can accept rules and be responsible Handle conflict in a constructive way Communicate well Handle peer pressure without compromising their values
Lifestyle—includes how you live your life and all the things you do—for a healthful lifestyle, you need both good nutrition and active living Nutrition—how the food you eat affects your body Variety of foods Adequate amounts Nutrients—chemicals that nourish your body—found in foods Nutrition not only affects your day to day life, but also your life in the future Active living—at least 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity each day
People around you—family, friends Culture—the shared beliefs, values and behavior of a group of people. Could refer to your local community, ethnic community, nation or part of the world Available food supply—what is available where you live Schedules/energy/budget—all affect food choices. Resources—the things such as time, money, and energy that help you reach a goal or complete a task
Advertising and media—make us aware of food and information about it Knowledge about food, nutrition and wellness— when you know more, you can make more healthy choices Miscellaneous—age, attitudes, emotions, health, goals
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Decision making to improve your wellness: Identify the decision to be made Identify the decision to be made Collect information and identify your resources Collect information and identify your resources Identify possible choices Identify possible choices Weigh the choices, consider pros/cons/consequences Weigh the choices, consider pros/cons/consequences Choose the best option Choose the best option Take action Take action Evaluate your decision—would you decide differently if you did it again? Did you reach your goal? Evaluate your decision—would you decide differently if you did it again? Did you reach your goal?
Tips for making an action plan for wellness: Set realistic goals Decide on a plan Identify small, achievable steps Take action Stick with it Get support Check your progress Reward yourself
Specific—how will you know when you reached it? Measurable—break it down into little pieces Attainable—how will you do this? Realistic—can you really do this? Timebound—what is your deadline?
Specific—how will you know when you reached it? Measurable—break it down into little pieces Attainable—how will you do this? Realistic—can you really do this? Timebound—what is your deadline?
Trade the written goal with another team. Using colored pens, mark each of the following elements: In yellow: Specific—how will you know when you reached it? In green: Measurable—break it down into little pieces In blue: Attainable—how will you do this? In pink: Realistic—can you really do this? In orange: Timebound—what is your deadline?
Re-write the goal to include all the elements and pass to another group. Using colored pens, mark each of the following elements: In yellow: Specific—how will you know when you reached it? In green: Measurable—break it down into little pieces In blue: Attainable—how will you do this? In pink: Realistic—can you really do this? In orange: Timebound—what is your deadline?
Create your OWN personal goal related to health/wellness using the form. Please write in pencil and make sure I review your goal with before you turn it in.