Marsupial-placental dichotomy Biol 455 Mammalogy Feb 1, 2005
Marsupial history Today, most marsupials are found in: Central and South America (~70 sp.) Australasia (~200 sp.) Radiation occur during Cenozoic (with few placental competitors) Past marsupial faunas very diverse: E.g. In Australia, marsupial herbivore (rhinoceros- sized), kangaroos 10 ft tall, carnivorous lion-like forms with shearing teeth and retractile claws E.g. In S America, no marsupial herbivore, but have a carnivorous marsupials (incl. sabertooth marsupial “cat”)
Competition with placentals Both continents, invasion of placentals caused the disappearance of marsupials Decline a coincidence? Or competitively inferior to placentals?
How are marsupials and placentals different? Coined “marsupial-placental dichotomy” Most conspicuous difference between marsupials and placentals are: Reproductive anatomy and pattern Degree of development of young
Reproductive anatomy Marsupials: Female: paired reproductive tracts Right and left vaginae and uteri do not fuse to form a single body Choriovitelline placenta Some have chorioallantoic placenta (no villi) Birth takes place through a median canal (pseudovaginal canal) Have marsupium (not all species) for nursing young Male: penis is forked, scrotum in front of penis
Reproductive anatomy con’t Placentals: Female: right and left vaginae fused, some species right and left uteri fused Chorioallantoic placenta (extensive villi) Male: penis is not forked, scrotum lies posterior to penis No marsupium
Degree of development of young Marsupials: Very altricial, weigh less than 1% of mother’s BM (all weigh <1g) Short gestation (8-43 days, depending on species), equal to length of estrus cycle Young born very tiny with few functional organs (heart, kidneys, and lungs are barely functional), brain is at ontogenetic stage Young have well-developed forelimb Development takes place in pouch Lactation period prolonged
Degree of development of young con’t Placentals: Gestation period long Young born with functional organs Short lactation period
Immunology of marsupials and placentals Immune system recognizes self/non-self Fetus is non-self because it receives half genome from father How do animals get around this problem? Egg-laying: separation of fetus/mother; fetus nourish by yolk sac Marsupials: shell membrane Eutherians: trophoblast Chorionic gonadotropin: maintains trophoblast, suppresses maternal immune response, longer pregnancy --> precocial young, increased limb structural diversity
Are marsupials inferior? Less diversity of habitat types Less diversity of locomotion Less diversity of foraging No really big marsupials Social organization is less complex Not as speciose Most diverse and numerous in Australia, where there is negligible competition with eutherians
Is competitive disadvantage due to mode of reproduction? Mode of reproduction limits the environments in which they can live Maybe not Cerebral cortex is smaller and develops more slowly Learning and behavioral flexibility is less developed Behaviour is less diverse Have small number of chromosomes, makes them less evolutionary flexible Reproductive rate is lower Possible advantage of marsupial reproductive strategy: Low energy requirements, spread out over a long period of time Can quickly replace lost young
Marsupial-Placental Dichotomy Summary CharacterMarsupialsPlacentals Diversity6% of living mamm. sp94% Body sizeNot very largeWide range Structural adaptationsLess diverseFlight (wings), marine (flippers), hooves ReproductionBrief gestation, very altricial youngLong gestation. Young more developed PlacentaChoriovitellineChorioallantoic Lactation periodLongShort Energy investmentLowerHigher, reproduce more rapidly Cerebral cortexSmaller, slow developmentLarger, fast development Epipubic bonesPresentAbsent BaculumAbsentPresent Auditory bullaeDerived from alispenoid boneVaries Primitive dental formula 5/4, 1/1, 3/3, 4/43/3, 1/1, 4/4, 3/3