Unit: Puberty - Reproductive Body Parts Standard: 23.A.2a Identify basic body systems and their functions 23.A.3a Explain how body systems interact with each other Objective: Students will be able to recall puberty information as well as list and label parts of the male and female reproductive systems Materials needed: - Body parts WS (one per student), male/female reproductive system diagram, Interactive reproductive system game Modifications: Have tangible diagrams for students, allow extra time, allow to work in pairs Lesson: Review: Review some of the body changes from the prior lesson (3 female, 3 male, 3 both). Let the students know that some of the changes come directly from hormone changes activated during puberty from the reproductive system. Intro: Provide a paper for each student with the body parts (male / female for each side) and read through parts of the reproductive system, while following along on the board. Activity: Use information to properly label the parts using the interactive website (have students volunteer to come up) Watch reproductive system Brain Pop Take Brain Pop Quiz as class Exit: Take a group quiz to recall male or female reproductive system parts No homework, collect from yesterday, inform about next week
Let’s play . . . Is It male or female ?
#1 Ovary - Is it male or female? #2 Scrotum - Is it male or female? #3 Epididymis - Is it male or female? #4 Cervix- Is it male or female? #5 Vas Deferens- Is it male or female? #6 Uterus- Is it male or female? #7 Testes- Is it male or female? #8 Bladder - Is it male or female?
For your final Question! Who typically starts puberty first – Is it male or female?
Female Body Parts Male Body Parts Ovum (egg) - female sex cell Ovary – organ that stores and matures eggs (females born with 200,000-300,000 eggs, but not all will be used through her lifetime) Fimbria – finger-like tentacles bringing mature egg into fallopian tubes (since the ovaries are not actually connected to the fallopian tubes) Fallopian tubes – thin tube where conception typically takes place (about the width and delicacy of 5 strands of hair) Uterine wall – the inner part of the uterus that gets thicker and thinner throughout a females menstrual cycle Uterus (womb) – expandable organ where babies grow during pregnancy Cervix (door) – opens and shuts during a girls menstrual cycle and during pregnancy Vagina (birth canal) – females sex organ Scrotum – sac that holds the testicles (regulates the testicles temperature) Testicle – organ that produces males sperm (starts producing sperm for the first time during puberty and then for the rest of their lives) Epididymus – stores mature sperm for 2-3 months until they are ready to be released Vas Deferens – tube carrying sperm to the seminal vesicles Seminal Vesicles – provide sperm with a fluid to nourish them (now considered semen) Prostate Gland – sponge-like organ mixing all sperm and fluid together Urethra – through this tube, urine/ sperm leave the body (females also have a urethra but not considered part of the reproductive system) Penis – male sex organ Male Body Parts