Rites involve the whole assembly in celebrating The saving work of God ( mysterion ) is contemplated The various rites illustrate the mysterion. The rites make up the specific language of liturgical celebration Rites within the Liturgical Celebration
Rite are symbolic actions of words and gestures Pre-formed structure Institutionalized by a tradition Favors common participation and repetition. Liturgical Elements
Signs indicate something beyond itself smoke → fire green light → go Symbols tell you something, but also bring you into the dynamic (flags etc.) Signs and Symbols
Liturgical symbols have action associated. i.e., water isn’t fully a symbol for baptism unless it is being used. Sacraments are symbolic actions that evoke an idea of something AND truly cause a reality to occur. Signs and Symbols
In relationship with Bible and ecclesial tradition Transparency of signs can be reduced by minimalism. Gestures and postures important Liturgical creativity: SC 37-40—not improvisation. Liturgical symbolism
Symbolon: an object torn in two, neither part has value until the 2 are put together. The symbolic value only comes from the rel’ship with the other part. Symbol re-establishes unity. So, we see that for man who has a spirit/body unity, he has to spiritualize the corporal and vv. Symbol
A Symbol allows us to reunite in ourselves associated, but separated, realities. Symbols allow members of a group to identify themselves. In the same way, the Church identifies herself through symbols, beginning with the formulas of the faith (creeds) which are also called a “symbol of the faith”. Symbol
To permit us to communicate about something that is too profound to speak about in any other way. We have to be willing to open ourselves to a transcendent reality for this. Man is not only an individual being, but he is a social and symbolic being who, because of his corporality and his social nature, expresses himself with words and gestures and these realities are also operative in the ecclesial community. Function of the Symbol
In relationship with Bible and ecclesial tradition— crucial statement Transparency of signs can be reduced by minimalism. Gestures and postures important Liturgical creativity: SC 37-40—not improvisation. Liturgical symbolism
Assembly and Celebrant Authenticity is needed Rite Signs/symbols/gestures/ and words (of the Church) Liturgy of the Word (Word of God) “Sacraments not only suppose faith, but with words and ritual elements nourish it, enrich it and express it”. (SC 59) Sacraments proclaim faith Liturgical Celebration: Constants
Sign SymbolMATTER Gestures WordsFORM All together with the People of God, form/result in ritual Liturgical Elements