Church of England Schools Distinctive Christian Ethos
Going Deeper into God Transforming Communities Making New Disciples
About 1 million children attend C of E schools Around 15 million people alive today went to one 25% (4450) of all primary schools are C of E About 210 secondary schools are C of E (1 in 20) 50 open academies in 2012 Nearly one-fifth of primary pupils and around six in every hundred of secondary students attend C of E schools 564 independent schools say they are C of E
At the start of Queen Victoria's reign only the children of the well off went to school and in poor families even very young children did some kind of work. The only education for most children was Sunday School. Here they would be taught how to read and write, as well as learning about the Bible and the Christian Faith. Church of England Schools Christian Character
Church Growth Research Programme, Dearing Report, Working Together Report Church schools are at the heart of our mission to the nation, not as ripe fields for evangelism, but as an expression of the C of E’s presence in a community as it seeks to serve children and people of all ages. That mission often has a striking vibrancy and dynamism about it when the needs of children and young people are taken seriously and so it is no surprise that churches are growing where there is a local school and a focus on ministry with children and young people.
Emphasis on the quality of religious education which will give particular weight to the Christian faith as held by the Church of England. High quality RE and Collective Worship Understand the person and teachings of Jesus Christ The Way ahead : C of E Schools in the new millennium 2001 The Church School of the Future Chadwick Review 2012
Service and nurture: To serve children and young people To nourish children of the faith in the faith To give those of other faiths or no faith the opportunity to see the Christian faith in action (Lord Runcie) Purpose of Church Schools
Serve the people of their faith eg: Roman Catholic, Jewish, Hindu, Muslim, Sikh BUT most C of E schools serve the community in which they are placed. NB The maintained education system in this country began as church provision. RE and CW are statutory because of our Christian roots. ‘Faith Schools’
What makes church schools different from community schools? Love Does ‘love’ inform school policies and the vision statement?
Preserve and develop its religious character in accordance with the principles of the Church of England and in partnership with the Church at parish and diocesan level Serve its community by providing an education of the highest quality within the context of Christian belief and practice Encourage an understanding of the meaning and significance of faith, and promotes Christian values through the experience it offers to all its pupils Trust Deed and Ethos statement
No such thing as a ‘typical’ Anglican school C of E schools may share common values and practice ‘Be still for the presence of the Lord is moving in this place’ The variety of Anglican schools
Spiritual: discovery of God the Creator, of an ‘inmost being’ and of the wonder of the environment Moral: teachings of Jesus, moral codes, a foundation stone for pupils to make decisions and build their lives Social: an understanding of what it means to live in a Christian community Cultural: an understanding of Christianity as a worldwide, multi-cultural faith SMSC
High quality Religious Education The purpose of RE Challenging questions High quality tasks Creativity Personal reflection and spiritual development Religious literacy Assessment
Archbishop of Canterbury The Church of England’s service in education is a form of service to others. It is practical love in action. Across this country we need to understand one another better (through) excellent RE. Trying to pretend religion doesn’t matter has a very different and damaging effect. Religious illiteracy struggles to cope with the blandishments of extremism, lives lived in a compelling narrative of spiritual reality have the best antibodies to that virus. Church schools are called to be constant in faith and generous in welcome, to enable children to build the stories of their own lives and understand their neighbours. To build bridges to families and communities and be a partner as they build bridges with one another.
Learning from the Bible six religions+ (RI to RE?)
Statutory Inspection of Anglican Schools How well does the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meet the needs of all learners? What is the impact of Collective Worship on the school community? How effective is Religious Education? (VA schools)?How effective are the leadership and management of the school as a Church school? NB:Distinctive characteristics of worship, Governors’ role in Christian vision and strategic planning, Focus on the teaching of Christianity, Explicitly Christian understanding of shared human values
Clergy Governors Teachers Inspectors Courses
Christianity input Help with understanding the Anglican tradition Links with other Christian traditions Help RE teachers/coordinators with no RE experience Retreats How can you help?